A major financial catastrophe averted

The Highway Re-Route Movement (HRM) has proclaimed that they have always been, and is, in favor of the construction of the San Fernando to Point Fortin highway. However, the HRM has difficulty with the Debe to Mon Desir link to the main highway which will push through the...
Posted On 25 Oct 2014
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Review our national watchwords

Dear Editor: Quite recently I heard the Attorney General speaking about the need to review our national watchwords, specifically in reference to the word “tolerance’. As I sit here reflecting on this Divali day, I cannot agree with him more. As I make my way to my...
Posted On 24 Oct 2014
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Impressed by the level of development

Dear Editor: While driving along the north-south highway quite recently, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the level of development taking place in our country. As I passed Mt. Hope and drove through the Grand Bazaar interchange, I could help but notice how this looks...
Posted On 24 Oct 2014
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The respect we do not have!

Dear Editor: In the last year, we have seen many glaring examples of why our country is staring into a deep, dark abyss. We, as a nation, are trying to keep our heads above water, struggling against this morass due to our disrespectful behaviour. The highest offices in our land...
Posted On 24 Oct 2014
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We must consider all aspects

The Editor: The construction of the Point Fortin highway was first conceived by the Patrick Manning administration. In 2010, the multi-billion dollar highway began with the issue of land acquisition under the PNM. There is no doubt that such a project will benefit not only the...
Posted On 24 Oct 2014
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Shouting Lies Doesn’t Change The Truth

By: George S. Campbell – La Brea No project ever undertaken in Trinidad and Tobago has ever faced the kind of intense scrutiny as the extension of the Solomon Hochoy Highway from Golconda to Point Fortin. And no other has attracted so much media attention. But perhaps what is...
Posted On 24 Oct 2014
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Respect the Courts

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar continues to express concern about the Highway Re-Route Movement’s (HRM) “its unwillingness to abide with the rulings of the court” on the group’s objections to matters related to construction of the Debe to Mon Desir section of the Point...
Posted On 24 Oct 2014
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PM Persad-Bissessar’s Statement on the Shooting Attack on the Canadian Parliament

I was deeply saddened to learn of the shootings at Parliament Hill, the National War Memorial, and a Mall in Ottawa, Canada, earlier today. It has been reported that a gunman opened fire at the National War Memorial, wounding a soldier, then moved to nearby Parliament Hill before...
Posted On 22 Oct 2014
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar Extends Divali Greetings to the Nation

Fellow citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, Today, our nation celebrates the joyous occasion of Divali, the festival of lights. On behalf of the people and Government, I extend to the Hindu community “Shubh Divali”. May Mother Lakshmi shower us all with her blessings of prosperity,...
Posted On 22 Oct 2014
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Development means accepting change and making sacrifices

by Capil Bissoon Anyone who bought a vehicle in April would have gotten a registration number in the DC series. Six months later, DC and DD series are finished and we are into DE. That means more than 20,000 vehicles were sold and licensed in the country in that period which only...
Posted On 21 Oct 2014
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