PM urges supporters: Stand behind your candidates

The 2015 general election campaign appears to have started, as Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar appealed to United National Congress (UNC) supporters to stand behind whoever was selected to represent the 41 constituencies. Persad-Bissessar addressed the issue during t...
Posted On 15 Dec 2014
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Thank You, Suruj

By: PROFESSOR RAMESH DEOSARAN Sunday, December 14 2014 Thank. A simple word, more spoken than practised, it carries vital civic and moral obligations. It simply means “to express gratitude.” (tautological, but so described in Concise Oxford). The official opening by Prime...
Posted On 14 Dec 2014
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Home for the Holidays

Congratulations and a hearty welcome home to the two hundred plus recipients of new HDC homes! The Honourable Housing and Urban Development Minister Dr. Roodal Moonilal recently presented elated individuals with keys to their very own houses in La Horquetta, no doubt filling them...
Posted On 13 Dec 2014
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253 get keys to HDC houses in La Horquetta

Housing and Urban Development Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal says peace has returned to several crime hotspots across the country because of quality houses provided by the Housing Development Corporation (HDC). Moonilal was speaking at the presentation of keys ceremony for 253...
Posted On 13 Dec 2014
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Worth the wait

I had never been to an MP’s office always believing its an exercise in futility; an exercise my debasement, believing that MPs enjoy having people grovel before them as of slaves before Emperors. Last Tuesday, however, I accompanied a friend to Dr. Moonilal’s office...
Posted On 12 Dec 2014
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Hassle free drive to Debe market

Driving to Debe market from the North yesterday was a breeze. Reaching the Golconda area in transit to Debe reminded me of driving in the US, the highway was well constructed. I did not see any broken areas as reported by the PNM’s radio talk show. Returning with market...
Posted On 12 Dec 2014
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Praise for the Attorney General

While the nation was unfortunately (and wastefully) caught up with the likes of Wayne Kublalsingh or we were subjected to the ongoing tirade between Dr. Rowley and Mr. Manning, our government has been working. In his Senate contribution on Tuesday Attorney General Anand Ramlogan...
Posted On 11 Dec 2014
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US Seeks Return of T&T National

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan signed a WARRANT OF COMMITTAL (By Consent) which was presented before the Chief Magistrate Ms. Marcia Ayers-Caesar by the Central Authority for the Extradition of Shazam Meighoo, a national of Trinidad and Tobago on Monday 8th December, 2014. This...
Posted On 11 Dec 2014
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Prime Minister extends congratulations to Judge Deborah Thomas-Felix

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar extends warm congratulations to Judge Deborah Thomas-Felix, President of the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago, on her election today as an Appeal Judge on the United Nations Appeals Tribunal (UNAT). The UNAT, which comprises seven...
Posted On 11 Dec 2014
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Project Smile – Engaging all Youth Groups of T&T for a cause this Christmas

On Sunday 7th December 2014 the Minister of Gender, Youth and Child Development the Honorable Clifton De Coteau MP launched Project Smile together with five Youth Organisations, which consisted of the SIMPLE Foundation, Trinidad and Tobago Youth Council, United National Congress...
Posted On 08 Dec 2014
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