Kamla: I’m ready to finish the job

KAMLA Persad-Bissessar, the first woman Prime Minister, will this year seek a second term in office. Elected in 2010 riding a tide of popularity, recent polls have put her party neck and neck with the PNM. But the polls have consistently maintained that notwithstanding the...
Posted On 04 Jan 2015
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PNM can learn much from PM

THE EDITOR: A NACTA poll conducted earlier this month once again had Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar ahead of the rest. The poll showed that the PM was considered a greater uniter of people than Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley and I have to say I’m not the least bit...
Posted On 03 Jan 2015
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Thanks, PM, for your love, care

THE EDITOR: Open letter to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Eileen Freeman once wrote, “It isn’t the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it.” I openly say thank you for your tokens of love this Christmas, from the billboards that made me...
Posted On 02 Jan 2015
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Devant Leads Ministry of Food Production Christmas Cheer Caravan

As we observe Christmas 2014 and even now look to the New Year – we draw strength from the positives of the year gone by with the hope of greater things for 2015. Although this festive season is viewed as the time for giving, from as small as a smile, to letting someone...
Posted On 30 Dec 2014
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar New Year’s Message

Fellow Citizens We are at a point in our nation’s affairs when we are faced with lower energy prices. I was part on a former administration in 1995 when the country also had to be managed with lower energy prices. Despite this we demonstrated that we were up to the task and the...
Posted On 30 Dec 2014
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Thanks, PM, for temporary road

THE EDITOR: On behalf of the residents of Mayaro and environs I offer my heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar for the new temporary Manzanilla-Mayaro Road. Over the recent weeks residents have had to use alternative routes that were very time-consuming and...
Posted On 30 Dec 2014
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The art of political distraction

By Capil Bissoon The People’s National Movement has perfected the art of political distraction and during this Christmas season demonstrated how easily it is to change the national conversation. The party and one of its deputy leaders were feeling intense political heat over...
Posted On 29 Dec 2014
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It was with great alarm that I read the article entitled ‘Government’s 15,000 per diem for journalist’ in the Sunday Express of December 28th. In said article, the author alledged that the named media workers received the per diem whilst accompanying the Prime...
Posted On 28 Dec 2014
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PP deserves a second term

THE EDITOR: In 2010 when the PP Government came into power, the critics claimed it could not last six months. But it lasted four years and is set to finish its full five years in style with two new highways, one to Point Fortin and one through Caroni to Piarco. Every right...
Posted On 28 Dec 2014
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Petrotrin Cleared by EMA – No association with Otaheite Oil

The EMA’s statement clearing Petrotrin from any association with the claim of oil appearing at Otaheite, is welcomed at this time as the Company continues to focus on improved operations with a long view towards securing the Company’s sustainability and its continued...
Posted On 26 Dec 2014
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