UNC Youth Arm Chairman – Kamla Persad Bissessar the Region’s Best Leader

If one goes through the Global Political Record Book there would certainly be a true daughter of the soil holding a record which no other can boast about in the world. Previous to 2010 it would seem virtually impossible if not improbable that an individual could be elected the...
Posted On 09 Feb 2015
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Minister of Education Statement on School Bullying

STATEMENT OF DR THE HONOURABLE TIM GOPEESINGH, MINISTER OF EDUCATION, ON ISSUES OF SCHOOL BULLYING, AT TODAY’S PRESS CONFERENCE. A very pleasant good morning to one and all and thank you for coming here on such short notice. This meeting this morning, with the Minister of...
Posted On 09 Feb 2015
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PM sends greetings to Grenada on Independence Day

THE Government and people of Grenada should stand proud in their forty-first anniversary of Independence, as a nation that has stood bravely and overcome many challenges, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC has said. In a statement issued yesterday, the Prime Minister sent...
Posted On 08 Feb 2015
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Rowley’s Lack of Vision

Rowley’s lack of vision once more resonates  in his idealology. What would you cut Dr. Rowley ? As the price of oil continues to plummet on the global market it seems Dr. Rowley’s contribution to this nations development also continues to plummet. As the world endures...
Posted On 06 Feb 2015
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Gov’t: No Issues With Appointment Of New Attorney General

“The Government assures that due diligence was followed with regard to the appointment of Mr. Garvin Nicholas as Senator and Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago.” That’s the word from Minister of Trade, Industry, Investment and Communications, Vasant Bharath, who sought to...
Posted On 05 Feb 2015
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83 WAGE settlements

Some 83 wage negotiations settled and more on the way. This government has repeatedly pledged its commitment to labour and workers. Promising to put workers at the centre, as stated in its manifesto, the People’s Partnership Government has insisted that some 83 wage disputes have...
Posted On 05 Feb 2015
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar Inauguration Speech May 26th, 2010

Speech Delivered by the newly elected Prime Minister of T&T, the Honourable Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar May 26th, 2010 Inauguration Speech My fellow citizens…it gives me great pleasure to address you for the very first time as Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and...
Posted On 05 Feb 2015
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Brickfield Gets Children’s Playpark

BRICKFIELD residents welcomed the opening of the children’s playpark and outdoor gym which were recently installed at the Brickfield Recreation Ground. Couva North MP, Ramona Ramdial hosted a ceremony on Tuesday to officially open the park which was constructed by the Ministry of...
Posted On 05 Feb 2015
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UNC youth claim another successful year

The Youth Arm of the UNC has had another very successful year as it emerges as the top performing Youth Organization of Trinidad and Tobago. This performance and success was based on the number of projects the Youth Arm would have efficiently and effectively executed to not only...
Posted On 05 Feb 2015
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PM’s masterly handling of Cabinet tiff

THE EDITOR: Once more, the Prime Minister has zapped critics baying at her heels. In a masterly overnight Cabinet tune-up, one very insecure piston was removed and replaced by vintage horsepower. The discarded part and his connecting rod have since gone on to be a loose cannon,...
Posted On 04 Feb 2015
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