Marching against development

Dear Editor: During the last election in 2010, there was a surge in environmental protest surrounding the aluminium smelter in La Brea and the steel plant development in Claxton Bay. These projects were rightfully highlighted as being unsustainable for the communities they were...
Posted On 12 May 2015
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New Letter Released from PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar Confirms Fake Emails By Rowley

The Prime Minister today emphasized that she has a duty to clear her government’s name: “I have a duty not just to myself, but to the members of our Government and to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, to have the record cleared in the Parliament now that we have the evidence...
Posted On 12 May 2015
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PM Kamla Speech UNC Monday Night Forum Diego Martin

INTRODUCTION Thank you Chairman… Members and friends of the UNC here in Diego Martin, welcome! Friends of the People’s Partnership and citizens of Trinidad & Tobago, good evening! Today, my conversation is about a number of very serious issues. Thus fat, we know we must take...
Posted On 12 May 2015
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Mother’s Day Greetings from Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Fellow citizens, today marks a very special commemoration on our calendar of observances. On behalf of my family, the government and on my own behalf, I recognize, celebrate and express my sincere gratitude to all the mothers of Trinidad and Tobago. For most of us, it is the...
Posted On 10 May 2015
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PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar extends congratulations to David Cameron

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar today extended congratulations to her counterpart in the United Kingdom and leader of the Conservative Party, the Right Honourable David Cameron, who successfully challenged that country’s Opposition parties in Thursday’s General...
Posted On 08 May 2015
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MP Ramdial Visits Couva North SEA Students‏‏

Couva North MP, Ramona Ramdial on Tuesday visited all 16 primary schools in her constituency, delivering stationery packages to SEA students and offering advice on their upcoming exams. ‎Ramdial encouraged students to “say prayers, eat a healthy breakfast, get blessings from...
Posted On 07 May 2015
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$1.9M Morvant pavilion upgrade

THE East Port-of-Spain Development Corporation has handed over to the San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation a $1.9-million upgraded pavilion and other facilities at the Morvant Recreation Ground. The works done by a contractor from the community, Aqucan Construction Company...
Posted On 06 May 2015
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PM and UNC Political Leader speech MNF Guaico

INTRODUCTION Thank you Chairman… Members and friends of the UNC here in Guaico, welcome! Friends of the People’s Partnership and citizens of Trinidad & Tobago, good evening! Thanks: members of the party and campaign teams for bringing together this event. MP, Dr Rupert...
Posted On 05 May 2015
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PM opens road, police station

AS IF TO underline her promise that her legacy would not be in construction of tall buildings, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar spent the better half of yesterday opening two new projects — the $400.5 million St Mary’s junction to Grant’s Road, Rousillac segment of the San...
Posted On 30 Apr 2015
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Press Invitation: SEA Token Distribution by Hon. Stacy Roopnarine

Minister Roopnarine Visits All  S.E.A. Students in Oropouche West Constituency   The Honourable Stacy Roopnarine, Member of Parliament for Oropouche West and Minister of State in the Ministry of Gender, Youth and Child Development INVITES all media personnel on a tour of all...
Posted On 29 Apr 2015
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