“Watergate- emailgate” Rowley must go.. if PNM is to be ethical

I suggest that the sitting PNM MP take stock of Ethical reasons given in the resignation letter to PNM by longstanding past member DR Subash Sharma . ( Friday may 22 2015 guardian A5) Your sworn duty to uphold good governance ( via parliamentary best practices of CPA ) in T&T...
Posted On 23 May 2015
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By Jai Parasram Keith Rowley is deluding himself into believing that he is the new Eric Williams when all the evidence point to the opposite. I was a reporter during the Williams era and I can say with certainty that Rowley is no Eric Williams. It takes more than a march to...
Posted On 23 May 2015
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Rowley loses credibility

Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley, during his May 2013 Motion of No Confidence against the People’s Partnership Government and the Prime Minister, disclosed the contents of 31 “e-mails” purporting to be exchanges between Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, former Attorney...
Posted On 22 May 2015
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Work begins on $B Point Hospital

HEALTH Minister Fuad Khan yesterday turned the sod to begin construction of the $1.2 billion Point Fortin Hospital at Egypt Village Point Fortin. For many years, constituents of the south western peninsula have been waiting on a new hospital to be built and yesterday they turned...
Posted On 22 May 2015
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Statement by former AG Ramlogan on Integrity Commission findings

From the inception of this matter, I have done everything possible to prove that these emails were bogus and fake. These findings are but the latest instalment of independent and credible determinations, which confirm the lack of substance in these pernicious allegations. It is...
Posted On 20 May 2015
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Your Choice

Dear Editor, Our nation is faced with a very important decision later this year. Will we return to government a woman who is single handedly changing the political culture of Trinidad and Tobago? Or will we return to the days of arrogance under a PNM administration led by a man...
Posted On 20 May 2015
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PM’s Personal Statement to Parliament on Emailgate

RE: NO CONFIDENCE MOTION OF MAY 20TH 2013 Mr. Speaker, it was exactly two years ago, on May 20th 2013, that the Member for Diego Martin West piloted a motion of no confidence in this very house against me. It was just one of a number of no confidence motions brought by the...
Posted On 20 May 2015
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Emailgate closed – Victory for PM and Government

The Integrity Commission has decided to close the emailgate affair, leading Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to claim a major victory for her office. In a letter to the Prime Minister’s attorney, Senior Counsel Israel Khan yesterday, the Commission informed that “pursuant to...
Posted On 20 May 2015
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Integrity Commission Clears PM and Parliament – Major Victory

The Registrar of the Integrity Commission has today, 19th May 2015, written to Attorney-at-law Mr. Israel Khan, S.C. in his capacity as Attorney for the Hon. Prime Minister in connection with the “Emailgate” allegations. In that letter captioned “Investigation...
Posted On 19 May 2015
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Proclamation of The Children’s Authority Act

The Ministry of Gender, Youth and Child Development on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago advises members of the public that the following have been proclaimed by His Excellency President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago:   1.     The Children’s...
Posted On 19 May 2015
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