The Prime Minister was right

The Editor, At the recent Fifth Anniversary Rally of the People’s Partnership, Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar coined what has the potential to be the most politically prophetic statement for 2015. Her premonition was that, Trinidad and Tobago would “see in the coming...
Posted On 15 Jun 2015
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Thanks Anand

After all is said and done we must complement the Peoples Partnership Government for its legislative agenda. The PP Government between the period 2010 to 2015 has had one of the most hectic legislative agendas that any government has ever had in our country’s history. We...
Posted On 14 Jun 2015
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UNC dismisses Round Table

PANIC, distortion and instability appear to be the only platforms the Leader of the Opposition, Dr Keith Rowley intends to use in fighting his campaign in the 2015 general elections, a statement from the United National Congress (UNC) PRO, Rodney Charles said on Thursday. Charles...
Posted On 12 Jun 2015
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Charles: “Keith Rowley still bankrupt of vision, ideas”

OPPOSITION Leader Dr. Keith Rowley’s heavily advertised but poorly attended “Conversation” held in his constituency, in his neighborhood, once again demonstrated the bankruptcy of ideas and vacuity of vision which failed to excite even his neighbours to participate in h...
Posted On 11 Jun 2015
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Giving Life to our Children

Dear Editor, For years our children have been faced with substandard health care and in some instances no hope. The most recent plight of a young couple whose 7 month old daughter’s need for immediate organ transplant has highlighted the importance for measures to be set up...
Posted On 08 Jun 2015
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National Consultations on the Retirees Returning to Work Programme

The NTA will be hosting a series of National Consultations on the Retirees Returning to Work programme on the following dates:     The attached documents provide more details about the programme and the consultations.   We are kindly asking you to share this information with...
Posted On 08 Jun 2015
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Rowley must answer if Warner’s son is still a member and supporter of the PNM.

The UNC notes with concern and amusement the statements made by the opposition MP and Political Leader of the ILP, Mr. Jack Warner about his alleged financial assistance to this Party and the Peoples Partnership. Mr. Warner’s notorious political modus operandi has been...
Posted On 07 Jun 2015
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Against the Odds

Dear Editor, Amidst all of the controversy and opposition forces that have rose up against her, the Prime Minister has time and time again emerged victorious. If one follows the tenure of our first female Prime Minister, it is clear to see than her calm, caring and statesman-like...
Posted On 05 Jun 2015
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PM’s Corpus Christi Message 2015

Fellow citizens, I extend warm greetings to the Roman Catholic community of Trinidad and Tobago on the commemoration of Corpus Christi – the Body of Christ. This most sacred commemoration in the Christian Calendar celebrates the tradition and belief in the Body and Blood of Jesus...
Posted On 04 Jun 2015
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Highway construction opens opportunities

Company paints its way to ‘ideal location’ THE businesses emerging as a result of construction of the extension of the Solomon Hochoy Highway to Point Fortin have made Debe the ideal place to open a Sissons Colour Shop, managing director of ANSA Coatings Ltd Roger...
Posted On 01 Jun 2015
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