Take a page from Kamla’s book

THE EDITOR: Once again Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has demonstrated to us all that she is a woman of great strength and integrity. She has been fearless in her role as Prime Minister, and has always done what in her estimation was in the best interests of all of the...
Posted On 21 Jun 2015
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Deafening silence from NGO’s

The Editor: It’s very interesting to note that Jack spends most of his time fighting political battles for the PNM rather than try to clear his name from international corruption charges. What’s in it for him? I must ask myself again what’s in it for him. Is this a question that...
Posted On 20 Jun 2015
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The PNM’s policy like local car insurance

How many of us have had an experience where we had a car accident and that in spite of all the body pain and hassle, at the end of the day the cheque that the insurance gives to you cannot replace your car? In the past, the PNM’s policy for the lives of our children was guided by...
Posted On 20 Jun 2015
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Dr Rowley’s address at Fyzabad – no plan, no vision, no ideas to advance workers’ agenda

In spite of, and notwithstanding, his address to workers today in Fyzabad, the country still awaits word on the Opposition Leader’s plans and policies to advance the cause of workers in our country. As such we are still in the dark and entirely unaware if the PNM has a...
Posted On 20 Jun 2015
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Delivering the housing dream!

Dear Editor: It is the dream of almost every human being being to have a place to call their home. People work their whole lives in order to achieve this dream. Parents beam with pride when they know they can pass down that legacy and sense of security to their offspring....
Posted On 20 Jun 2015
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Labour Day 2015: Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar Message

Today, as we celebrate Labour Day, we must never forget that the man who was one of the most important pioneers of the labour movement in Trinidad and Tobago, is the man after whom our headquarters here is named. Adrian Cola Rienzi, who was born Krishna Deonarine, and who...
Posted On 19 Jun 2015
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Ramadan Message from Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar

The national community of Trinidad and Tobago stands side by side in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters, and indeed with Muslims around the world as the holy month of Ramadan begins. For Muslims this holy month of fasting, self-discipline and sacrifice represents...
Posted On 18 Jun 2015
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Rowley forced to apologize to President Carmona

Keith Rowley continues to demonstrate that he has no respect for Trinidad and Tobago and the offices of our land. He has once again been reckless in his allegations, not exercising due diligence, instead racing to the media to in a sensationalist manner to accuse the President of...
Posted On 17 Jun 2015
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Charles: Rowley and the PNM continue to fail their constituents

UNC Campaign Manager Rodney Charles is calling on PNM Leader Dr Keith Rowley to account to citizens of this country and explain why he failed to improve their lives during years of PNM rule. Charles noted that when the People’s Partnership Government took office and began...
Posted On 17 Jun 2015
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Making an IMPACT in Sea Lots West with new Community Centre

The Fighting Chance Boxing Programme is a major part of using sports to help with the overall development of the community. Participants pose for a photo with Minister Tewarie and coach Kirk Sinnette. “Seize the world of possibility with all your heart and soul.” This was the...
Posted On 16 Jun 2015
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