Khan to PM Rowley – Fire Minister Cuffie

Following the statements made by Mr. Maxie Cuffie during the post-Cabinet press conference yesterday (Thursday 7th January 2015), I am calling on the Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Rowley, to remove him immediately from the post of Minister of Communications and replace him with...
Posted On 08 Jan 2016
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PNM playing games with us

by Capil Bissoon On the night of his victory on September 7th 2015, newly elected Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley flattered to deceive when he told the nation that he would be the Prime Minister of all of Trinidad and Tobago and not of the People’s National Movement (PNM). I was...
Posted On 08 Jan 2016
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Delay in utilizing the Couva Children’s Hospital unacceptable

Over the past weeks, there has been a growing number of patients who are complaining of not receiving beds while awaiting treatment at both the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt. Hope and the San Fernando General Hospital. This is occurring at the same time that the...
Posted On 06 Jan 2016
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Naparima MP questions PNM’s attempt to silence Parliament committees

Chairing of the parliamentary oversight committee on foreign affairs by PNM MP, Marlene Mc Donald with her deputy being Paula Gopee-Scoon sends the wrong signal that, notwithstanding comments to the contrary, this PNM administration is not interested in transparency,...
Posted On 05 Jan 2016
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The 2016 deepwater silver lining

By Kevin Ramnarine By the time you read this, the Prime Minister would have addressed the nation on the state of the economy. The speech would have focused on falling revenue from the energy sector and the need for understanding and adjustments in expectations. The reality is...
Posted On 03 Jan 2016
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Happy New Year from the United National Congress

On behalf of the United National Congress and as Chairman of the UNC, I wish to extend New Year’s greetings to all citizens of our twin-island state as we prepare to face the realities of 2016. As you know, we recently held our internal election in which members of our party...
Posted On 01 Jan 2016
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New Year Message from the Leader of the Opposition

My fellow citizens, the year 2015 was an extraordinary time for Trinidad and Tobago. It was a year when we went from prosperity and great hope for all to a time of uncertainty. The defining moment was the change in government. Up to September 7th, we had a clear pathway to deal...
Posted On 31 Dec 2015
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Kamla: Rowley’s address will fuel anxiety, instability

OVERVIEW THE address to the nation by Dr Keith Rowley will exacerbate anxiety and instability created by his Government’s failure to meet economic challenges head on, because it is now clear that the PNM never had the economic plan they claimed. This, according to Opposition...
Posted On 30 Dec 2015
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Former planning minister, Bhoendradatt Tewarie responds to PNM’s Women’s League

The statement issued by the Chairman of the PNM Women’s league and Minister of Planning is childish, misinformed and inaccurate. I never at any time in any statement said anything to undermine the Office of the Acting President. What I said was that the PNM Government had...
Posted On 30 Dec 2015
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UNC: Give The Children The Textbooks

The UNC strongly condemns the Keith Rowley Government for the backward and atrocious textbook distribution policy as announced by the Minister of Education on a television talk show yesterday. The Minister justified this retrograde move by saying that the Government set to save...
Posted On 29 Dec 2015
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