New Year Message from the Leader of the Opposition
My fellow citizens, the year 2015 was an extraordinary time for Trinidad and Tobago. It was a year when we went from prosperity and great hope for all to a time of uncertainty. The defining moment was the change in government.
Up to September 7th, we had a clear pathway to deal with the economic downturn caused by falling oil prices. We understood the implications and as a responsible government we had developed viable options that included the expansion and growth of the non-energy sector to build a new and more sustainable economy.
We had planned to work with stakeholder groups, civic organisations and citizens to pursue measures to navigate the economy safely to growth and expansion. Our green, blue and silver economy models would have tackled the crisis we face today head on and I guarantee that had we remained in government we would not be facing the doom and gloom today coming from the Rowley government.
My message to you as we enter 2016 is that you must never be despondent. Our party is in opposition but we are still a strong political force that is determined to stand on guard for you, to keep a constant check on the present administration as a government in waiting and to listen and learn from you as we plan for your future.
There are viable options for the Government but they have chosen the old “divide and rule” approach of the past. Dr. Keith Rowley promised to be a Prime Minister for all the people but his actions since assuming office have demonstrated that he is concerned only about a selected few.
He and his party promised change but sadly nothing has changed for the better. The lack of a vision and plan for our country is evident in everything they have done from arbitrarily dismissing people in every sector to making economic decisions that are inconsistent with best practice fiscal planning.
You, my fellow citizens, are being asked to carry the burden while our Prime Minister uses every opportunity to look for scapegoats for his failure to take responsibility for cutting a path to take us out of the crisis we face today. They do not know how to manage the present challenges and keep the economy on a path to sustainable growth.
While Trinidad and Tobago groans from the bitter medicine the government is administering, the Prime Minister chooses to play golf with his elite friends. In less than four months he has been on four foreign trips, three of which have been for his personal and political benefit including a PNM fundraiser in London, a wedding and golf in Barbados, and now a wedding in Miami.
I am sure you did not vote for that and what is passing as a government. Dr. Rowley, it seems, is fast becoming an absentee leader deeply concerned about securing his personal interests.
Today as we begin a new year unemployment is on the rise, the cost of living is climbing steadily, new taxes are coming on stream, crime is increasing and everywhere people are starting to lose faith in our country. All of this because the prime minister and his administration are out of touch and instead of finding the right fiscal solutions they are planning to borrow so heavily that future generations would have to bear the debt burden created by this administration.
In short the Rowley administration is failing the ordinary, working class citizens and those in our society who are less fortunate and desperately need the State’s help.
Our children’s future is being sacrificed by an administration that puts greater emphasis on art than in preparing tomorrow’s generation with a world-class education. The administration is instead preparing to tax their parents out of house and home in its scramble to pretend that it has an economic plan.
So this is my message to the country at the start of 2016. Do not let the dark clouds bother you; let us look to the future with optimism. For the past five years we did what was right for our country and what we knew was best for our children’s future.
We will continue to do the work we set for ourselves when we were first elected to serve. Being in opposition means we have to work harder to try to push the government into a path that can enhance your lives. We will not fail you. Nothing is more important than the people of TT and we will continue to work for you, everyday.
We will pay close attention and develop measures that will inspire confidence and calm your fears. We will continue to amend our plans to address the challenges ahead with the same zeal and energy that we demonstrated when we were in government.
Let us not lose hope. Instead let us approach 2016 with confidence and let us build a continuing constructive dialogue taking into account your dreams for a better, more prosperous Trinidad and Tobago.
The uncertainties you feel today are natural but let me assure you that we have faced similar circumstances before and we have overcome them. The darkest night ends with a new dawn that brings freshness and new hope.
That will come, perhaps sooner than you expect. So let us strengthen our partnership in various areas so we would rise as one people with one destiny to meet the political and other challenges ahead.
So keep hope alive and continue to have faith in your dreams and in our country’s future.
On my behalf, and on behalf of my family and extended UNC family, I wish you a Happy New Year and best wishes for 2016 and beyond.
May God continue to bless you and your families.