Prime Minister Must Launch Immediate Forensic Investigation Into THA

Couva North MP Ramona Ramdial has called for Prime Minister Keith Rowley to launch an immediate forensic investigation into the operations of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA). At the Joint Select Committee meeting on Local Authorities, Service Commissions and Statutory...
Posted On 05 Jun 2016
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UNC Chairman Concerned about Govt’s Modus operandi of ‘Suppression’

As Chairman of the United National Congress I am greatly saddened by the current modus operandi of ‘Suppression’ being practiced by the current administration. Events stemming from Policy Direction to Legislation as well as the provision of key services to the Population have...
Posted On 04 Jun 2016
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Charles: Beware a PNM Dictatorship

Trinidad and Tobago is under siege and if we are not vigilant in protecting our rights and freedoms we face a creeping PNM dictatorship. Last September, we witnessed a National Security Minister being sworn in first, followed by the AG and then the Prime Minister. The faux pas...
Posted On 04 Jun 2016
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THE AG DOES IT AGAIN – demonstrates a lack of understanding of basic constitutional law principles

Yet again, the Honourable Attorney General has demonstrated that he does not understand basic constitutional law principles when he stated erroneously that the fact that the SSA Amendment Bill was assented to by His Excellency must mean “he [the President] thought it must...
Posted On 02 Jun 2016
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Central Crime Worsens – Grenade Found in Carli Bay Couva

Police on mobile patrol today in the Carli Bay area which lies in the constituency of Couva North, discovered a man in the swamp behaving suspiciously. As they pursued him, he retaliated by launching a grenade at them. He was later apprehended and is in police custody. We are now...
Posted On 31 May 2016
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PNM ‘good’ because UNC ‘bad’, ‘corrupt’

THE EDITOR: The present administration embarked upon a structured programme to regain control of the government. Since 2011, the PNM had been engaged in a political campaign to return that party to power. At the centre of its campaign, both then and even as it continues today, is...
Posted On 31 May 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee offers Condolences on the Passing of Local Icon Holly B

As Chairman of the United National Congress I would like to offer condolences on behalf of the UNC to the friends and family of the Late Holly B who passed away this morning. Holly B – as he is popularity known – was the original host of Scouting for Talent on the...
Posted On 30 May 2016
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Opposition Leader extends condolences on passing of Holly Betaudier

It is with as deep sense of loss that I learned this morning of the death of Mr. Holly Betaudier, a giant in the world of media, who devoted his lifetime to the exposure and uplifting of our culture. Holly B, as he was affectionately called by all, was a national icon who began...
Posted On 30 May 2016
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Indian Arrival Day Greetings from Leader of the Opposition

One hundred and seventy-one years later we have become the inheritors of a nation which our forefathers helped to build and, it is our duty is to continue to do our part as preservers of what has been achieved as well as creators and guardians of the future. In numerous ways our...
Posted On 29 May 2016
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UNC Women chastise government on handling of crime

The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress on Thursday expressed alarm at the number of homicides recorded in Trinidad and Tobago this year and has called on the relevant authorities to step up their act to protect citizens and solve the 200 murders. In Central Trinidad,...
Posted On 26 May 2016
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