UNC Women’s Arm condemns PM statement

The UNC National Women’s Arm condemns the statement made by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley at last night’s “Conversations with the Prime Minister” where he callously remarked on the choices of partner made by domestic violence cases being the cause of their demise. We want to...
Posted On 07 Feb 2017
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MP Newallo-Hosein: Human Trafficking – a blemish to the country’s image

The admission by the Minister of National Security Senator the Hon. Edmund Dillon that there is evidence of human trafficking has, without a doubt cast a dark, horrible and dismal shadow over this country. His admission in Parliament on Friday that to date 22 persons have been...
Posted On 06 Feb 2017
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Message from Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar on World Cancer Day

Today I join the global community and all our citizens in marking World Cancer Day, with a commitment to the slogan: “We can; I can”, which is a call to action for communities and individuals to do whatever they can to reduce the global burden of cancer. Every year 8.2 million...
Posted On 04 Feb 2017
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Padarath calls for parents to be held accountable for their children’s actions

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has called for the Ministry of Education to implement Anti Bullying measures in our nation’s schools. Padarath said he was deeply disturbed to read of an incident involving nine year old Tristan Khan at the Mayaro Government Primary School...
Posted On 03 Feb 2017
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Kamla Pays Tribute to Angelo Bissessarsingh

It is with deep sorrow that I learned of the passing of beloved author, historian and archivist Angelo Bissessarsingh who fought a valiant, but losing battle, with pancreatic cancer. I share the hope of his father, that Angelo’s “consciousness will live on” and that he wi...
Posted On 02 Feb 2017
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Things Fall Apart

by Kevin Ramnarine Looking at the pictures from the shootout at the Maracas Valley police station one could not help but reflect on the words of William Butler Yeats’ poem the Second Coming, “Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.” Yeats...
Posted On 30 Jan 2017
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Mr Prime Minister, talk done, action now!

Good afternoon.   Like so many of our citizens, I am alarmed by the upsurge in violence in the country, with 52 murders (7 unclassified) recorded in just 30 days – the highest in January of any year.  Trinidad and Tobago is in a state of crisis and it is imperative...
Posted On 30 Jan 2017
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Government doing the mannequin challenge while criminals run rampant

Richard Ramlal was reported missing on Sunday morning, January 22, 2017. His body was found floating in a stream at Woodland, Oropouche, on Tuesday afternoon, January 24, 2017. I send condolences to the family of Richard Ramlal and on behalf of the legal fraternity I send deepest...
Posted On 26 Jan 2017
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T&T on track to record 628 murders in 2017, as clueless Government fails to take action

Trinidad and Tobago has already recorded 43 murders for the first 25 days of the year. If this alarming rate continues, the country could see as many as 628 murders in 2017, significantly higher than the previous record of 550 in 2008 under a PNM administration. The Rowley-led...
Posted On 25 Jan 2017
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Moonilal calls for the resignation of the CEPEP Board

The Board of Directors of The CEPEP Company Limited must now resign after a High Court struck down an attempt to prevent me from exposing corruption and other wrongdoing at the company. The taxpayer-owned company had gone to Court to seek to silence me, through a frivolous claim...
Posted On 21 Jan 2017
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