UNC mourns the passing of Elliot Mannette

The United National Congress joins the rest of the national community as we mourn the passing of Elliot “Ellie” Mannette, known by many as the father of the modern steel pan. Ellie was a truly great son of the soil and patriot who dedicated his life’s work to the...
Posted On 30 Aug 2018
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Charles to Rowley: Where is your concern for the well-being of workers?

Eric Williams, faced with the worst crisis in the energy sector in the 1970s, made the interest and welfare of workers his preeminent concern. Rowley, half a century later, by contrast with no known exit strategy for Petrotrin workers is clearly showing that balance sheet,...
Posted On 30 Aug 2018
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MOONILAL : Closure of Petrotrin will add to a brewing social crisis

As a Member of Parliament in a region where many of the affected employees and energy service contractors reside or are headquartered I am compelled to add my voice in condemnation of the callous, cold, heartless and wicked move by the Rowley administration to summarily shut down...
Posted On 29 Aug 2018
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Kamla Urges caution- Let good sense prevail

In a statement today, Opposition Leader and Political Leader of the United National Congress Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar, urged the Keith Rowley administration to take a cautious and pragmatic approach to the Petrotrin issue. How the restructuring of Petrotrin is handled will have...
Posted On 28 Aug 2018
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Charles: Keith Rowley’s unpatriotic PNM – a Government of secrecy

“True to form, whether it is the Venezuela agreement, Sandals negotiations, the Galleon Passage fiasco, our diversification ‘mystery plans’, or the OAS and Darryl Smith Reports; citizens of T&T remain totally in the dark about almost everything under this Rowley led...
Posted On 27 Aug 2018
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UNC: Keith Rowley’s Government is all flash and no substance

The Government took to the media today to defend the secrecy surrounding the Dragon gas deal, while still remaining committed to keeping the people of Trinidad and Tobago in the dark. Since its inception this Keith Rowley Government has approached transparency and accountability...
Posted On 26 Aug 2018
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MP Lee – Government continues to fail the Manufacturing Sector

The recent public statements by the TTMA which indicated that some manufacturers have not yet been paid for goods delivered to Venezuela which formed part of a trade deal fostered between the governments of our nation and Venezuela in 2016 is not only proof of this...
Posted On 26 Aug 2018
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Moonilal: Heads must Roll

On Wednesday a call by the media alerted me to the possibility that the Noel Garcia led UDeCoTT had allowed insurance coverage to lapse for the Government Campus Plaza, which house the following Ministries and state agencies: 1. Inland Revenue Division; 2. Custom and Excise...
Posted On 24 Aug 2018
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MP Lee – Government needs to come clean on Petrotrin right now!

As Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre I am calling on the Government to come clean on the future of Petrotrin on behalf of the hundreds of my constituents who are employed at the state oil company and the thousands more from across our nation who earn a livelihood from this...
Posted On 24 Aug 2018
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Senator Saddam Hosein: Improper Procurement on the Seabidge and Sandals

The Government having wasted over $120 million by purchasing the Galleon’s Passage binding itself to an unsuitable vessel to service the sea-bridge; have now admitted their failure by inviting bids for the supply of a high speed passenger/ vehicle vessel. PM Rowley by his own...
Posted On 24 Aug 2018
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