
Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Universal Children’s Day 2018

Each year on November 20th, the world observes Universal Children’s Day, which aims to improve child welfare worldwide, promote and celebrate children’s rights and promote togetherness and awareness amongst all children. It reminds us that we must not only bring about...
Posted On 20 Nov 2018
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Indarsingh: Welcome ruling, express frustration by Court’s refusal to stop termination of workers

Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh is applauding today’s ruling by the Industrial Court that State-owned Petrotrin had breached the Industrial Relations Act by failing to consult the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) before making the decision to close...
Posted On 19 Nov 2018
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Moonilal to Rowley -“Stop spreading fake news “

I call upon Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley to retract his false, mischievous and misleading statement that his defamation lawsuit against me will be heard in court this week. Truth be told, Dr. Rowley is yet to file his claim against me. I therefore challenge Dr. Rowley to...
Posted On 19 Nov 2018
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Employees, their dependents and retirees of Petrotrin have been invited to join a new medical plan in order to access benefits from December 1st, 2018 Sagicor has been named as the new provider in a letter sent to employees and retirees dated November 16th, 2018. The plan is to...
Posted On 19 Nov 2018
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Highlights of the Opposition Leader’s Contribution to the Deabte on Petrotrin

I remember a song by David Rudder who sang about Trinidad being the land of oil and music. And let us remember – that very same oil is where we got the steelpan – the only acoustic instrument to be developed in the world in the last century. And here we are today basically...
Posted On 15 Nov 2018
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UNC PRO to Camille Robinson Regis: Stick to national issues

The comments by the PNM Lady Vice Chair Camille Robinson Regis in a press release/ open letter to the Guyanese public, today were in poor taste and ill-timed. This according to UNC PRO Anita Haynes. The Minister took the opportunity to carry her petty PNM politics to a regional...
Posted On 14 Nov 2018
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Kamla to deliver feature address at Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association’s 23rd Awards and Dinner

Leader of the Opposition and Political Leader of the United National Congress Mrs Kamla Persad Bissessar will be the feature speaker at the 23rd Awards Presentation and Dinner hosted by the Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association’s (GMSA). The event takes place on...
Posted On 07 Nov 2018
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Divali 2018

Today, our nation celebrates the joyous occasion of Divali, the festival of lights. On behalf of the Opposition, I extend warm greetings to the Hindu community and the national community, on the occasion of Divali 2018. Divali is a festival that is well known in Trinidad and...
Posted On 05 Nov 2018
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Gopeesingh calls the flood destruction in Caroni East “painful and distressing”

There will be no major celebrations for thousands of residents in many areas in the Caroni East constituency due to the devastating floods that hit Trinidad and Tobago just two weeks ago, according to Caroni East MP, Dr Tim Gopeesingh. This as thousands of residents are...
Posted On 31 Oct 2018
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Oropouche West MP calls on Chief of Police to increase presence in South Constituencies

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh is calling on Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith to adhere to his statements and increase the police presence throughout the country in light of the exponential increase of heinous crimes committed in...
Posted On 31 Oct 2018
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