
Charles: Moses once again demonstrating lack of Ministerial competence

Minister Dennis Moses, in his response to a question in Parliament on Dominica which was due more than a month ago but was only answered yesterday, should hold his head in shame for not being man enough to accept responsibility for the OAS fiasco. Instead he shamelessly placed...
Posted On 23 Feb 2019
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Lying Keith Rowley and Sinanan can’t get their maths right

By Capil Bissoon Prime Minister Kei­th Row­ley was being dishonest and deliberately mislead the population by saying that the entire Curepe Interchange Project will cost $221.7M. Is Rowley telling the country that the $221.7M includes the cost of the 37 parcels of land and...
Posted On 21 Feb 2019
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Dr Gopeesingh: Government Forsakes Cancer Patients by Scrapping National Oncology Centre

The deplorable decision of the Rowley Government to discontinue the pursuit and construction of the National Oncology Centre is a monumental medical disaster for our country, in which there are approximately 3,000 new cancer patients each year. Cancer is the number one cause of...
Posted On 21 Feb 2019
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Indarsingh calls on gov’t to pay retrenched Petrotrin workers

Couva South Member of Parliament Rudranath Indarsingh is today calling on Finance Minister Colm Imbert, Energy Minister Franklyn Khan and Labour Minister Jennifer Baptiste-Primus to explain why over 100 former Petrotrin workers have not been paid their full settlement...
Posted On 20 Feb 2019
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Moonilal to PM Rowley: Stop the ole talk and rum talk

It is with deep regret that I must respond to a 6.24 am official release from the Office of the Prime Minister which expressly addresses my statements made in a press release dated Monday 18 February 2019. This release was sent two hours after a doubles vendor was killed in chase...
Posted On 19 Feb 2019
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UNC PRO to Stuart Young: Do your job

  Today, National Security Minister Stuart Young used state resources to turn a Ministry press conference into a PNM platform speech. His blatant politicking and electioneering only fuel speculation of a snap election in the near future, from a PNM government that has not...
Posted On 18 Feb 2019
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UNC PRO: Once again the Attorney General is a stranger to the truth

He should stop trying to deflect from his inaction and incompetence and do his job “The Attorney General’s recent accusation that the Opposition is not supporting certain bills is a complete fabrication.  The Opposition supported each of the bills mentioned by the Attorney...
Posted On 18 Feb 2019
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Reports Confirm Rowley Regime’s Failure in War against Gangs

Revelations in the print media on Sunday further confirm that the failed Rowley regime has been grossly negligent in dealing with the scourge of gang warfare. One report exposes the fact that the government has been sitting on a shocking 2014 study, and has continued to feed...
Posted On 18 Feb 2019
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Charles: Insults will not solve our problems

This Rowley led Government, when it cannot get its way, instinctively resorts to insults. This was demonstrated this weekend when AG Al Rawi roundly criticized the EU for placing TT on a new blacklist for deficiencies in our anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing...
Posted On 18 Feb 2019
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Not Race Talk! Movement for a Just Society!

The unfounded attack on Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s address at Monday Night Forum in Brazil Sec. School indicates how threatened some are by her growing popularity. The UNC political leader addressed crime, which is destroying families daily. She said that the social problem of...
Posted On 14 Feb 2019
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