Political Leader speech UNC’s Monday Night Forum – Fyzabad

Introduction Good evening UNC family! When I see so many of you here tonight I know that change is going to come. We completed our internal elections, and I wish to congratulate our new Chair of the Women’s Arm Ms. Kenya Charles. I am happy to announce that we will be starting...
Posted On 09 Jul 2019
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UNC set to begin Local Government Election Screening

The United National Congress has completed all Constituency Executive, Women’s Arm and Youth Arm elections. The Party will now move into our preparation for the upcoming Local Government Elections, the party’s National Executive has agreed to begin the screening of potential...
Posted On 09 Jul 2019
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Charles to the incompetent PNM: Don’t compare yourselves with Singapore

On Wednesday St Joseph MP Terrence Deyalsingh, during his contribution, sought to justify the ill conceived PNM version of a Revenue Authority by stressing that “Singapore has a Revenue Authority.” In typical PNM fashion, they highlight minor similarities which serve their narrow...
Posted On 06 Jul 2019
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Moonilal calls on House Speaker Annisette-George to apologise and explain her ‘religious comments’

‘I think an urgent statement or personal explanation by the Speaker is warranted,’ said Moonilal yesterday. Moonilal was responding to an Express report which stated that Annisette George sought to appeal to religion in dealing with Opposition Chief Whip David Lee...
Posted On 06 Jul 2019
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Opposition says Government’s proposed Revenue Authority not the best option for Trinidad and Tobago

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar is knocking the Government’s attempts to push forward with its proposed Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority, with the move to debate the Report of the Joint Select Committee established to consider and report on The Trinidad And...
Posted On 02 Jul 2019
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Charles to Al Rawi and Young: Why so many gang killings?

On March 9th 2018 we were told by Faris Al Rawi in Parliament that, “the aim of this Bill (Anti-Gang Bill) is to cause a disruption to gang activity. We propose to do that squarely by the clauses of the Bill.”  We were promised that once we passed the legislation gang warfare...
Posted On 01 Jul 2019
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Kamla calls for full disclosure on status of T&T’s energy sector

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to account to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago on how the successor companies of Petrotrin have fared in the months following its closure. Given that Petrotrin’s operations were a...
Posted On 27 Jun 2019
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UNC: Rowley-led PNM Govt obsessed with the Opposition

The move by the Keith Rowley-led administration to prioritise a frivolous privileges motion ahead of the business of the people of Trinidad and Tobago is proof this Government is not interested in governing Trinidad and Tobago, but rather pursuing a vendetta against members of...
Posted On 26 Jun 2019
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Kamla calls for a JSC on The Miscellaneous Provisions(Local Government Reform) Bill 2019

The Opposition declares its support for Progressive Reforms in any regard and especially that which can improve the functioning of Local Government. We believe that local government corporations must be empowered, and we agree with moving forward with reform of loc...
Posted On 26 Jun 2019
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Kamla: This Corpus Christi let us follow Christ’s example, and ensure goodness in all our actions, thoughts and deeds

As Leader of the Opposition, I would like to extend warm greetings to our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters as well as other members of the Christian Community of Trinidad and Tobago on the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi is one of the most sacred...
Posted On 19 Jun 2019
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