
MP Lee – Where is the Heritage Petroleum Company CEO?

“Where is Mike Wiley?” is the question that must be answered by the Minister of Energy and the board of Trinidad Petroleum Holdings Limited (TPHL). The Minister of Energy needs to inform the population as to the whereabouts, health and fitness for office of Heritage Petroleum’s...
Posted On 16 Aug 2019
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Kamla: The Rowley-led Government has collapsed; a General Election must be called

The country continues to witness the utter incompetence of this Keith Rowley-led administration, with the latest fiasco being the move to appoint Garvin Simonette as Minister of Public Administration, and within hours cancelling the appointment. It is clear that the Prime...
Posted On 12 Aug 2019
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UNC statement on high-ranking PNM Minister detained by the TTPS

The United National Congress notes with grave concern that a member of the Keith Rowley-led Cabinet and Member of Parliament for Port of Spain South has been arrested on allegations of corruption. The Party notes that this matter is now before the police, and we await the outcome...
Posted On 08 Aug 2019
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Oropouche West MP Slams Rambharat Incompetence

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh is condemning the Minister of Agriculture Land and Fisheries, Clarence Rambharat for his incompetence and his inability to treat with state land administration after four years at the helm of the...
Posted On 07 Aug 2019
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A grim year under Stuart Young: 502 murders

“Today marks the first anniversary of Stuart Young’s unsuccessful stint as Minister of National Security. His record thus far has been one of incompetence, inexperience, non-performance and outright cluelessness. 502 murders under his watch has placed him amongst the worst...
Posted On 06 Aug 2019
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Opposition Leader Emancipation Day Message

I join with the national community in extending Emancipation Day Greetings to our brothers and sisters of African heritage on the 185th Anniversary of Emancipation. On August 1st, 1985 Trinidad and Tobago became the first country in the world to declare Emancipation Day a public...
Posted On 01 Aug 2019
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Gopeesingh calls Rowley attack on the Judiciary and Attorneys disgraceful

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley has lowered his already abominable standards in his reprehensible and reckless attacks on the judiciary and attorneys. Dr. Rowley’s vicious and senseless criticisms further confirm him as lacking the capacity, temperament and aptitude to lead...
Posted On 29 Jul 2019
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Charles: Anti-Gang, Explain Your Wealth and now Bail Amendment Bill, same story

Naparima MP is calling on PM Rowley to tell the country, with a straight face, how the proposed Bail Amendment Bill will measurably reduce, and by how much, our murder rate, or gang membership, or serious crimes and in what specific time frame. “Tell us for example that...
Posted On 29 Jul 2019
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Ramona: Hinds Should Apologise For His Callous And Insensitive Remarks

MP Ramona Ramdial is calling on Minister Fitzgerald Hinds to apologise for the callous and insensitive remarks he made in response to her comments about no government representative visiting the families of dead and missing Orange Valley fishermen on a popular TV morning show...
Posted On 29 Jul 2019
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Tim: Disgraceful Decisions by a Shameless Gov’t on Couva Children’s Hospital

The stark reality of this Rowley-administration’s arrogant, adamant, disgraceful and hypocritical refusal to open the very modern, advanced, technologically-equipped, state-of-the-art Couva Children’s Hospital, has brought nation-wide, Caribbean and International condemnation of...
Posted On 24 Jul 2019
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