
UNC Ready for Local Government Elections

The United National Congress is ready for upcoming Local Government elections. The party has completed a rigorous screening exercise, in which around 600 people interested in serving their communities presented themselves for consideration. On Tuesday 1st October, 2019, the party...
Posted On 01 Oct 2019
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Hosein: T&T Deserves Answers for Withdrawing Matter Against Ken Julien

It is extremely disturbing and worrying to learn that the 35-million-dollar lawsuit against the former eTecK Board led by Professor Ken Julien has been discontinued by a PNM appointed eTecK Board. It was under the Kamla Persad-Bissessar led Government that claims were brought...
Posted On 30 Sep 2019
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Padarath: Rowely has abandoned the country

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath has slammed Prime Minister Keith Rowley for choosing to travel to New York while the country is experiencing a severe weather system without giving any assurances or specifics that the government has things in place to deal with the situation....
Posted On 22 Sep 2019
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UNC slams Government’s move to block Private Member’s Bill

“The Sedition Repeal Bill, 2019” The move by the Keith Rowley regime to block the Private Member’s Bill, “The Sedition Repeal Bill, 2019”, all but confirms that our democracy is under threat from this government. Over the last month, we have witnessed high profile critics of the...
Posted On 21 Sep 2019
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Opposition Leader: Government has questions to answer on Refinery sale

The Opposition notes the announcement by the Minister of Finance on the sale of the Petrotrin refinery to the preferred bidder, Patriotic Energies and Technologies Company Limited. While at face value we have absolutely no objection to the sale of the refinery to locals, there...
Posted On 20 Sep 2019
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Kamla stands with Moruga HDC Residents

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP met with a group of residents of Gomez Trace Housing Development Phase II, Moruga on Wednesday 18th September, 2019, who have raised a number of issues to be resolved with the Housing Development Corporation. Late last year...
Posted On 20 Sep 2019
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Caroni East Executive and Women’s Arm Condemn Dr. Keith Rowley’s Vulgar Statements

The Caroni East Constituency Executive and the Caroni East Women’s Arm condemn in the strongest possible manner the foul-mouthed, mysogynistic utterances of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, emanating from — of all places — the Diplomatic Center. More undiplomatic...
Posted On 18 Sep 2019
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Charles to Rowley: Do not embarrass us – UK PM cannot tell the BBC what to report

During a media briefing yesterday, PM Keith Rowley threatened to make a formal complaint to the British Government about a BBC report on the Venezuelan issue in TT. Clearly Rowley does not understand that neither Boris Johnson, nor anyone else in the UK Cabinet, can admonish the...
Posted On 17 Sep 2019
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The Prime Minister has once again shown Trinidad and Tobago why he is not fit to lead. In yet another rant to the nation yesterday, Keith Rowley, dismissed critical issues of blatant Government corruption and incompetence and resorted to his now familiar crass misogyny. This is...
Posted On 17 Sep 2019
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Ramdial condemns PM Rowley’s degrading remarks on Opposition Leader

Couva North Member of Parliament, Ramona Ramdial strongly condemns Prime Minister Keith Rowley’s latest misogynistic analogy which degraded Opposition Leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar when he compared her to a yard fowl “having pip” and so being unable to speak....
Posted On 17 Sep 2019
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