AG responds to Fixin TnT
FIXIN T&T is a branch of the PNM that masquerades as an NGO. It is a one-man PNM splinter sideshow which provides strategic political support for the PNM.
Mr Waithe has been obsessed with the Attorney General (AG) since the AG asked the following questions which he has repeatedly refused to answer. In the interest of transparency, these unanswered questions are:
1. Who is financing FIXIN TnT? Is it the PNM?
2 Who are the executive members of FIXIN TnT?
3 Does it have a constitution or does it rely on the PNM’s constitution?
4 How was Kirk Waithe elected as its leader?
5 Who are the members? Are they all members of the PNM?
6 What part of Balisier House does one go to get an application form to become a member of FIXIN TnT?
His nonsensical accusations are likely to get worse as time goes by. His clever conditional call for the removal of Senator Al Rawi is a disguise for his hollow and baseless attacks on the government.
The leak of two confidential and sensitive reports that involve three critical, independent institutions of the State (the PCA, the DPP and the Commissioner of Police) must be a cause for national concern. Section 47 of the Police Complaints Authority Act makes it a criminal offence for anyone to disclose confidential information from the PCA. It is a serious offence and an offender is liable on summary conviction to a fine of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and to imprisonment for five years.
The Attorney General notes that FIXIN TnT did not call upon Al Rawi to disclose his source or explain the various contradictory responses given to date. They range from finding them in his mailbox to someone dropping it off at his law office. It likewise did not see it fit to call for any investigation to see who committed this offence.
If Mr Waithe asserts that it is the line Minister for the PCA who should be provided with a copy of the PCA’s report, please note that as acting Minister of Legal Affairs, the Attorney General is in fact the line Minister for the PCA and no report was provided. A discretion given to any institution of the State must, in law be exercised rationally and it is clear that a copy should have been submitted to the government given the clear implications for national security.
APRIL 21, 2014