A New ERROR of Politics
….Loyalty a thing of the Past, As Warner Votes Against EBC Bill.
Today I sat in horror and total disgust as I looked on at the debate of the EBC’s 2011 bill, as two hypocrites, former Government Ministers voted against a bill out of wounded pride and prejudice. Whilst, apologies were made with respect to lateness of the bill, not only were these apologies overlooked but also the relevance and importance of the debate.
The spineless PNM debate had one point echoed by their 10 speakers, disguised with fancy words, that the document received last night , 265 pages was to long to read. Dearest Reader, as an Undergraduate Student I have read over 300-400 pages of notes a night when studying.
Whilst the timing and delivery were lacking, the opposition PNM, ILP and Volney, used this as an opportunity to bump their gums.
To Mr.Warner I ask this simple question…as the former chairman of the UNC, and the then second in command…YOU MUST HAVE SEEN this document before..why do you now lie and say you have seen it for the first time today.
Why must you continue this pitiful charade of lies and deception….portraying someone who is sorry for doing wrong….we are not stupid, we see through this paper wall….you clouded your pitiful argument with juicy tid bits of gossip about Ministers, but you speak of a New Era of Politics, instead we have seen a NEW ERROR of Politics…
Dearest People I urge you all to look beyond the timing of the debate, but to look at the relevance, it is proven around the world that Proportional Representation is more ideal for proper governance and the upholding of democracy. Obviously more important things would’ve come up in between, but let us appreciate that this bill has been passed, and thank our government and Prime Minister for the effort being placed into proper Governance.
My Dear Hershael, I fully believe that my comments on this media will not see the light of day as far as the UNC is concerned. It is obvious that this matter is beyond your understanding but you have a job to do even it makes you look like a total arse.
Next time you are moved to write please stick to matters of which you have some knowledge and understanding.
What your UNC/PP have done with this Bill is to demonstrate how desperate they are to fool the population and mistakenly think they can stop Jack and the ILP.
Read some more but make sure you understand what you read.
Jim Jhinkoo