
Charles: Rowley must heed advice on neutrality with Venezuela

T&T’s foreign policy towards Venezuela is in shambles and Rowley would be well advised to heed UNC leader Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar’s advice and change course. We need something more nuanced that takes on board the many conflicting geopolitical and other issues at...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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Gopeesingh calls on PM Rowley to act or face possible legal action over health crisis

The tragic deaths of at least four patients in public health care institutions over the past three months as a result of the Swine Flu is the latest evidence of the acute incompetence of the Minister of Health, Terrence Deyalsingh. This is the latest spate of deaths and/or...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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Oropouche West MP slams Government for mismanagement of the Rice Industry

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh, is condemning the Rowley led administration for its gross negligence and ineptitude in managing the agricultural sector, more particularly the rice industry. In a release issued on Tuesday, the MP...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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Opposition Leader condemns Rowley’s ostrich-like approach to the gathering storm in neighbouring Venezuela

For decades, our nation has had fraternal and cordial relations with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.  Not only are they our neighbours, but many are also family of some of our citizens.  In this context, we condemn the Rowley government’s ostrich-like approach to the...
Posted On 13 Jan 2019
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Charles tells Rowley: You lead a bi-polar Government Sir

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is accusing the Government led by Keith Rowley of being bi-polar in what it says, how it says it, and more so how it governs. MP Charles made this comment given the many manifestly conflicting statements provided by Keith Rowley in his various...
Posted On 11 Jan 2019
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MP David Lee :The Joke is on Imbert – Motion to Debate Rowley’s Address Filed by Opposition Leader

Opposition Chief Whip MP David Lee says the joke is on Finance Minister Colm Imbert, as a motion has already been filed in the Parliament forcing a debate on the contents of the presentation made by the Prime Minister in his two-part address to the nation entitled “Mind...
Posted On 10 Jan 2019
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Kamla calls out Rowley: Let’s Debate the Economy

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, says Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley must account to all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago on the true state of the economy, and not hide behind flashy and expensive television productions. While the country remains besieged...
Posted On 10 Jan 2019
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Kamla refutes candidates list, no candidates has been selected or de-selected

I wish to publicly refute recent media reports with respect to the selection of candidates of United National Congress (UNC) for forthcoming national elections. The reports indicated that, based “on the advice of caucus members”, I am “changing the faces” of certain incumbent...
Posted On 07 Jan 2019
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Charles: After 40 months Rowley still has no plan to take us forward

“I told the population in 2015 that Keith Rowley had no plan to take us forward. They did not listen and today we are all suffering,” says Rodney Charles MP for Naparima. The 5000 fired from Petrotrin, 500 more in TSTT and three hundred plus former ArcelorMittal...
Posted On 07 Jan 2019
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Kamla: Part 1 of the Rowley show reveals that the PNM is not serious about governance

Prime Minister Keith Rowley subjected citizens of this country to yet another long-winded and bizarre lecture- which has not yet finished – which said nothing and offered no hope for people who continue to suffer under his administration. This political performance put on...
Posted On 06 Jan 2019
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Lee to Camille: Resign, go into opposition and be the opposition you want

The performance of the Government in Parliament since coming into office in 2015 has been nothing more than political theatrics, PR and gimmickry. The Attorney General is on record as saying he will legislate by tactics. The dismissive and insulting manner with which the...
Posted On 06 Jan 2019
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Kamla pays tribute to the Late Sir Fenton Ramsahoye, QC

I join the region in mourning the loss of a Caribbean icon and international legal luminary in the person of the late Sir Fenton Ramsahoye QC. Sir Fenton, 89, was cremated yesterday at the Chapel of Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens in Barbados. His unparalleled contribution to the...
Posted On 06 Jan 2019
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