
Charles: Moses has led us into the wilderness after UN visit

After Dr Rowley’s visit to the UN (accompanied by Dennis Moses) our foreign policy on Venezuela is in total shambles. Our arrangements to bring gas from Dragon Field have fallen apart in the wake of US sanctions. We are diplomatically isolated regionally. We are in an...
Posted On 31 Jan 2019
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Indarsingh: Why GEB officers stormed PSA meeting with CPO?

Member of Parliament for Couva South and Opposition’s Shadow Minister for Labour and Enterprise Development Rudranath Indarsingh is today angrily reacting with utter disbelief at the intervention by the Guard and Emergency Branch of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service at a...
Posted On 30 Jan 2019
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Charles: What is the status of the Dragon Gas project given yesterday’s sanctions?

Yesterday the US placed economic sanctions on state owned, Venezuelan oil company PDVSA. These sanctions include a freeze on PDVSA’s assets in the US and barring American firms from doing business with that company. T&T must therefore be wary of the implications on this PNM...
Posted On 29 Jan 2019
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Kamla: We put people first – Highlights of the Political Leader’s Address

Our beautiful Trinidad and Tobago needs you now more than ever! I also want to acknowledge some of the special visitors with us. We have the hard-working members of the diplomatic corps, the media and the many others who told me that they are coming to observe the proceedings...
Posted On 29 Jan 2019
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Oh no Dr Rowley, pavement diplomacy does not serve our national interest

Winston Churchill is famously quoted as saying that diplomacy is the art of telling a man to go to hell, and you do it so nicely that he asks for directions. Dr Rowley needs lessons in diplomacy. Our PM is by character, temperament, personality, and practice wedded to...
Posted On 28 Jan 2019
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Charles to Young: Get your facts straight

During a TV6 interview on Thursday night the MP for Naparima, Rodney Charles, raised the issue of whether Trinidad and Tobago could afford to spend $1 billion in infrastructure to bring Venezuelan gas here since there is the possibility that the gas agreements would not be...
Posted On 25 Jan 2019
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Bodoe: Health care continues to collapse while Couva Hospital sitting idle

The revelation in one of today’s newspapers of the horrors experienced by 92-year-old Kushmawati Girwar whilst seeking medical attention at the San – Fernando General Hospital, can be corroborated by hundreds of other patients who had similar experiences in the past two years in...
Posted On 23 Jan 2019
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Shame on the ostrich like MoFA for turning its back on TT children abroad

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is demanding that this PNM administration adopt a more humanitarian approach, and fulfill its consular responsibilities, especially when dealing with TT children abroad who were forced to go to Syria by their parent/s. Once again T&T has been...
Posted On 22 Jan 2019
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Padarath: Sahadeo again? Square pegs in round holes under Rowley

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath is taking Prime Minister Keith Rowley to task for appointing former Chairman of the Port Authority Christine Sahadeo to the boards of two companies that the Rowley Government established in its transition, after closing down the Petrotrin Refinery....
Posted On 18 Jan 2019
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Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s Message on Moving the Economy Forward: Let’s get T&T Working Again

TODAY’S REALITY The world is rapidly moving towards an integrated digital economy, based on renewable energies, artificial intelligence and automation. As a gas and oil-based economy, we will face challenges in growing and maintaining revenues, jobs and expenditure. By 2040 most...
Posted On 17 Jan 2019
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Kamla: Rowley should stop blaming and start working

Today was another lost opportunity to present new and innovative strategies to move our economy forward. He quickly descended into a convoluted diatribe in which he resorted to his all too familiar theme of “blame everyone except me”. The Prime Minister spent more than three...
Posted On 17 Jan 2019
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Opposition Leader says Sandals “withdrawal” no surprise; highlights Government’s incompetence

The “withdrawal” of Sandals is no surprise. Repeatedly, the Rowley Government has fallen flat on its face on its flagship projects/game changers. The Government is failing in every sector and on every project, and, the decision by Sandals to “withdraw” from Tobago highlights,...
Posted On 15 Jan 2019
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