
UNC opens East-West Corridor People Centre in Tunapuna

  As it continues to prepare for upcoming elections in Trinidad and Tobago, the United National Congress on Saturday 16th March 2019 opened the first of many “UNC East-West Corridor People Centres” to provide a space for people interested in developing our nation to come...
Posted On 17 Mar 2019
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Lee – Petrotrin lies and betrayal continue by this Government

The lies and betrayal of our citizens by this Government pertaining to Petrotrin continue to unfold and become evidently clear given the latest statements by Chairman of Trinidad Petroleum Holdings (TPH), Wilfred Espinet that a Request for Proposals (RFP) has been issued for the...
Posted On 17 Mar 2019
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Lee: Trinidad Petroleum operating in secrecy

UNC Member of Parliament for Pointe-a-Pierre David Lee is expressing alarm at the revelations that Trinidad Petroleum Holdings, the company set up in the aftermath of the closure of the Petrotrin refinery, is set to borrow up to US$1.4 billion, mostly from international banks....
Posted On 14 Mar 2019
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UNC calls on Gov’t to halt procurement and ban Boeing 737 Max 8 from T&T

“Telling the citizenry not to panic is not enough. The Government must take immediate action to ensure the safety of all passengers in Trinidad and Tobago’s airspace”. This, according to Public Relations Officer of the United National Congress, Senator Anita Haynes, who is...
Posted On 12 Mar 2019
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Indarsingh: Refusal to renew Judges contracts a blow to justice

Couva South Member of Parliament Rudranath Indarsingh is expressing grave concern with the Government’s continued failure to renew the employment contracts of Judges of the Industrial Court, saying this decision is further pushing the entire justice system on the verge of...
Posted On 11 Mar 2019
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2019

I join the national community in commemorating International Women’s Day 2019, and in celebrating women who are challenging the status quo, fighting for equality and an end to discrimination, seeking to build a more inclusive society here in Trinidad and Tobago. While significant...
Posted On 07 Mar 2019
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Maha Shivrathri

Hinduism acknowledges three important principles. These are creation, sustenance and dissolution. The creator is known as Lord Bramhadev, the one who sustains and maintains that which has been created is Lord Vishnu whilst the principle of dissolution is the function of Lord...
Posted On 04 Mar 2019
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Charles to Rowley: Diplomacy Beats Badjohnism

Our Prime Minister must at all times remember that, as our main negotiator on the international scene, he must be more nuanced, circumspect and sophisticated in his utterances. Pavement diplomacy, ‘bad john’ behavior and vitriol are extremely unhelpful to the...
Posted On 02 Mar 2019
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Charles to Young: We need a decisive refugee plan. The time for talk has passed

Far from being informed of immediate measures that the Government intends to take to curb the out of control refugee crisis, Minister Young instead showed his complete lack of preparedness, ideas or leadership when he stated that the Government will consider a possible policy for...
Posted On 27 Feb 2019
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Charles: Moses once again demonstrating lack of Ministerial competence

Minister Dennis Moses, in his response to a question in Parliament on Dominica which was due more than a month ago but was only answered yesterday, should hold his head in shame for not being man enough to accept responsibility for the OAS fiasco. Instead he shamelessly placed...
Posted On 23 Feb 2019
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Dr Gopeesingh: Government Forsakes Cancer Patients by Scrapping National Oncology Centre

The deplorable decision of the Rowley Government to discontinue the pursuit and construction of the National Oncology Centre is a monumental medical disaster for our country, in which there are approximately 3,000 new cancer patients each year. Cancer is the number one cause of...
Posted On 21 Feb 2019
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Indarsingh calls on gov’t to pay retrenched Petrotrin workers

Couva South Member of Parliament Rudranath Indarsingh is today calling on Finance Minister Colm Imbert, Energy Minister Franklyn Khan and Labour Minister Jennifer Baptiste-Primus to explain why over 100 former Petrotrin workers have not been paid their full settlement...
Posted On 20 Feb 2019
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