
MP Lee – Suffering and hardship continues to intensify due to Petrotrin restructuring

While this government occupies themselves with deceiving the population on the sale of Petrotrin assets, the rampant suffering and hardship which has resulted from the restructuring of our state oil company continues to intensify unabated. When Petrotrin closed its gates on...
Posted On 30 Mar 2019
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Spiritual Baptist Liberation Day

I join with the national community in marking the important occasion of Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day. As we celebrate this joyful event, we are all reminded of the important lessons we can all learn from this community: of the power of faith, the power of unity and...
Posted On 29 Mar 2019
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MP Lee: Come clean on Petrotrin. What is the true story?

Enough is enough, it is time this Rowley led administration own up and account to our citizens by telling us if the people of this country will still own Paria in the future or not. It is time for Government to end the charade of deception which has plagued the handling of...
Posted On 28 Mar 2019
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Kamla: Government must stop retrenchment of UTT workers immediately

Our country is in a crisis as thousands of people have lost their jobs as a result of this incompetent, uncaring, useless Rowley government. Each day more citizens are falling into an “abyss of hopelessness”, after losing their sources of income to maintain their...
Posted On 27 Mar 2019
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Kamla: Government must halt the sale of Petrotrin Assets – Let the People decide

It is disturbing that the Rowley Government makes substantial effort in wrongfully accusing the Opposition for a Facebook post on the Paria Fuel Trading Company in order to create distractions, yet continues to deflect on the real issue at hand, namely, the future ownership of...
Posted On 26 Mar 2019
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UNC: The Government is Gaslighting the Nation over Paria Fuel

The UNC is condemning what we view as the Government’s deliberate strategy of confusion over the future of Paria Fuel Trading Company. While answering questions in the Senate today, Energy Minister Franklyn Khan bizarrely stated that Paria Fuel was not up for sale while also...
Posted On 26 Mar 2019
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Kamla: The Rowley Regime has outlived its usefulness

It is clear that this Keith Rowley led administration has totally outlived its usefulness both nationally and regionally, given the poorly worded and misguided full-page advertisements on the “Venezuelan Situation” issued by the Prime Minister in the three daily...
Posted On 25 Mar 2019
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UNC PRO to Stuart Young: Stop making wild accusations and do your job

The United National Congress is baffled by statements made by National Security and Communications Minister Stuart Young regarding a Facebook meme which claimed that the Paria Fuel Trading Company is to be sold. Minister Young’s assertion that the UNC is responsible for this meme...
Posted On 25 Mar 2019
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Moonilal: Integrity Commission Must Investigate AG

It is most ironic that Attorney General Faris Al Rawi was carded to address an anti-corruption seminar (Thursday) while he is under the national searchlight over the questionable $23 million rental of a family property. However, the Attorney General has still not dealt with the...
Posted On 25 Mar 2019
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MP Lee : Khan must fire Espinet now !

Energy Minister Franklin Khan must move to fire Trinidad Petroleum Holdings (TPH) Chairman Wilfred Espinet immediately based on his irresponsible actions regarding the “inadvertent” offer of an RFP for the sale of Paria Fuel Trading company. Given the Minister’s...
Posted On 19 Mar 2019
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Kamla: The independence of the Judiciary should be guarded jealously

Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP has noted that the court staff at the Judiciary engaged in strike action today, which affected many attorneys, litigants and other persons who went to the court to access its services. It affected the Magistrates Court, the...
Posted On 18 Mar 2019
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Charles: Rowley’s foreign policy is incoherent, in shambles and makes no sense

T&T’s foreign policy is in total shambles and nowhere is this more evident than in this PNM Government’s erratic approach to the African continent. This Rowley led Government must explain why they are willing to make special allowances for Venezuelans to access jobs,...
Posted On 18 Mar 2019
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