
Kamla: Let’s use Easter to restore hope to our nation

On behalf of my family and the United National Congress, I wish everyone a happy and holy Easter. For our Christian brothers and sisters, Easter is a time when we remember the incredible sacrifice Jesus Christ made. Like each religious observance in our nation, Easter celebrates...
Posted On 18 Apr 2019
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Message from Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti

Our beloved nation of Trinidad and Tobago is blessed and is truly a sterling example of how people from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds can live together in harmony, and respect for each other’s traditions. This weekend, members of the Christian faith are...
Posted On 18 Apr 2019
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MP Lee: Budget game changer, Dragon deal, dead

It is time Government end their political charade and admit to the people of Trinidad and Tobago that their much boasted Dragon Gas Deal was nothing more than political public relations. Energy Minister Franklin Khan’s public admission that the Dragon Gas Deal has come to a...
Posted On 17 Apr 2019
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MP Charles: Venezuelan registration policy ill-conceived

The Government’s Venezuelan registration policy is yet another example of the lack of thought and proper planning that characterises everything this PNM administration does. National Security Minister Stuart Young has shown once again that he is woefully out of his depth. This...
Posted On 12 Apr 2019
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UNC: Government continues its attempts at stifling the Opposition

The Attorney General’s behaviour in the Committee stage of the Non-Profit Organizations Bill in the Senate on Thursday 11th April, 2019, highlights once again that this Government is trying to suppress the Opposition and prevent us from giving voice to the citizens on critical...
Posted On 11 Apr 2019
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Statement by Opposition Leader on Passage of Unexplained Wealth Bill

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP battled the Government today in the Parliament highlighting the flaws in the proposed Civil Asset Recovery and Management and Unexplained Wealth Bill, 2019 virtually rewriting the Bill presented by the Government to ensure...
Posted On 09 Apr 2019
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Charles: TT$15 million later and still no tangible deliverables from The Group DC.

“Minister Imbert, in fact the entire PNM bench, needs a lesson in how to answer questions in Parliament in a manner that is not obfuscatory, irrelevant, misleading or a waste of Parliamentary time,” says Naparima MP Rodney Charles. They must understand that the House of...
Posted On 08 Apr 2019
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Kamla: Faris Must Resign or be Fired

The people of this country are fed up of the incompetence and bold-faced greed of Attorney General Faris al Rawi. He is the personification of greed and selfishness by a few in the society which is the root cause of poverty and crime. The gluttonous rental deals of Faris al Rawi...
Posted On 07 Apr 2019
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Senator Obika: Minister of Trade’s assertion belies T&T economic trough

In what can only amount to an April fools joke the Minister of Trade has trumpeted that the domestic economy is out of the recession. This statement belies the fact that we are on the wrong side of an economic slump realising GDP levels that are lower than it was roughly a decade...
Posted On 03 Apr 2019
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UNC: New ferry another crooked deal by this PNM Government; calls for investigation

The United National Congress is calling for a forensic investigation into the Government’s sudden purchase of yet another boat to service the collapsed Trinidad and Tobago Seabridge. Out of the blue and with no tendering done, Works Minister Rohan Sinanan announced that a...
Posted On 03 Apr 2019
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Faris must resign over “Rentgate”, says UNC

Attorney General Faris Al Rawi must resign immediately, or be removed from office, following the shocking revelations regarding the lease of #3 Alexandra Place, a property owned by Zaman Enterprises, of which he is a shareholder. So says UNC Public Relations Officer Senator Anita...
Posted On 02 Apr 2019
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Charles to the AG: I do not trust anything you say

MP for Naparima Rodney Charles is today publicly underscoring the fact that he does not trust the utterances of the Attorney General Faris Al Rawi. AG Al Rawi is either a stranger to the facts or he ignores them. He is nothing more than a smooth talker who engages in obfuscation....
Posted On 01 Apr 2019
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