
Moonilal: Emailgate busted

The CoP has confirmed what we knew years ago. That this emailgate was a political hoax . I said then as I say now, a child would know that those emails were fabricated. I called him a “fabricator “ and offered tools and safety clothing. This vindicate our actions to throw Keith...
Posted On 17 Jul 2019
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Ramlogan Happy Over Emailgate Closure

  It is sad that it has taken 6 years for the relevant authorities to confirm that emailgate was no more than an elaborate political hoax with absolutely no basis in fact. It was the greatest political conspiracy in local history. It is a shame that this investigation...
Posted On 17 Jul 2019
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UNC: Keith Rowley must resign over his Emailgate hoax

The United National Congress welcomes the news from the Trinidad and Tobago Police service that no charges are to be made in relation to the so-called “emailgate” affair. Emailgate has been proven to be a hoax and conspiracy piloted by Keith Rowley and the PNM. The UNC has always...
Posted On 17 Jul 2019
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Kamla pays tribute to Raymond Choo Kong “We have lost a National Icon”

I was deeply saddened to learn of the tragic death of well-known actor, playwright, producer and director, Raymond Choo Kong. Raymond was a true pioneer and innovator, who will always be remembered as one of Trinidad and Tobago’s most gifted artists. He was not only a veteran...
Posted On 15 Jul 2019
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MP Lee – Call a Commission of Enquiry on Petrotrin now not tomorrow

It is rather ironic that Government is undertaking a Commission of Enquiry into the acquisition of land for the construction of the Highway extension project yet one of the greatest acts of mismanagement which has been committed against our taxpayers, the destruction of Petrotrin...
Posted On 14 Jul 2019
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Kamla: This Commission of Enquiry set up by the PNM is a farce – call the General election now

Good afternoon and thank you for coming to the UNC East-West Corridor People Centre. We continue today with our screening exercise as we prepare for the upcoming local government elections. The enthusiasm and the number of people putting themselves up to serve and take Trinidad...
Posted On 12 Jul 2019
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Kamla: Govt’s mismanagement led to S & P Downgrade

It is unfortunate that both the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance have chosen to try to ‘spin’ the recent downgrade of T&T’s credit rating by International rating agency Standard and Poor’s Global (S&P), instead of telling the country what will be done to address it....
Posted On 11 Jul 2019
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Kamla: Commission of Enquiry for Point Fortin Highway just a distraction

The Keith Rowley-led Government has once again resorted to attempts at distracting from the serious issues facing our country, as well as from their incompetence, mismanagement and inability to govern. It is no surprise that the move to appoint a Commission of Enquiry into land...
Posted On 11 Jul 2019
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Charles to Rowley: With a plethora of foreign policy failures, how can you claim success?

The Prime Minister said earlier this week at the Prince Albert Street Meeting that “T&T diplomacy is solid, deep and strong because it is a PNM government.” Clearly Dr Rowley is devoid from reality. The ceaseless barrage of cases in which T&T has been given a negative...
Posted On 11 Jul 2019
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Oropouche West MP Accuses the PNM Administration of discriminating against UNC- controlled Corporations

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh has accused the PNM administration of purposely withholding resources from the UNC controlled corporations in light of the San Fernando Mayor’s statements during the PNM’s meeting in Pleasantville on...
Posted On 11 Jul 2019
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Charles to the incompetent PNM: Don’t compare yourselves with Singapore

On Wednesday St Joseph MP Terrence Deyalsingh, during his contribution, sought to justify the ill conceived PNM version of a Revenue Authority by stressing that “Singapore has a Revenue Authority.” In typical PNM fashion, they highlight minor similarities which serve their narrow...
Posted On 06 Jul 2019
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Moonilal calls on House Speaker Annisette-George to apologise and explain her ‘religious comments’

‘I think an urgent statement or personal explanation by the Speaker is warranted,’ said Moonilal yesterday. Moonilal was responding to an Express report which stated that Annisette George sought to appeal to religion in dealing with Opposition Chief Whip David Lee...
Posted On 06 Jul 2019
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