
Kamla: Gov’t Must Stop Political ‘freak show’ and Come Clean on COVID-19 Statistics

It is with great concern that, for the second time in as many days, I find myself once again calling on the Health Minister to come clean to the population about the true state of the Ministry’s testing capacity for the dangerous Covid-19 disease. This as ongoing attempts by...
Posted On 15 Apr 2020
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UNC- People still have rights in a Pandemic

The tone of the Government’s press conferences continues to become more aggressive and political when faced with valid questions from citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. The Minister of Health today, instead of giving the population much needed information, chose instead to go on a...
Posted On 15 Apr 2020
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It is with grave concern that I am making yet another call to the Health Minister to come clean and inform the population of Trinidad and Tobago as to the TRUE state of the Health Ministry’s testing capacity of Covid-19 cases. This is due to the fact that their official testing...
Posted On 14 Apr 2020
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Gopeesingh: Covid-19 Hell in T&T – No Testing, More PNM Lies

The Prime Minister’s statement yesterday that his Government began preparations for the dangerous Covid-19 pandemic since January has now proven to be a deliberate, naked misrepresentation of the truth. It’s also an admission of serious and gross incompetence and pure hypocrisy,...
Posted On 13 Apr 2020
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Kamla: As Jesus conquered death, let us conquer the prevailing hopelessness, hardship and fear of the COVID-19

Today we joyfully join our Christian brothers and sisters in saying “He is risen, He is risen!” as we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I extend warm Easter greetings to all throughout our nation, I am mindful that I do so at a time when the blessed message...
Posted On 12 Apr 2020
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MP Lee – All talk but no action on COVID-19 promises

As our citizens continue to be economically and socially impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, as a country we must ask, is the Government misleading citizens with the numerous commitments they have made to fight the dangerous effects caused by this virus? Further, has the Rowley led...
Posted On 11 Apr 2020
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Kamla: Let the Passion & Crucifixion of Jesus inspire us

As Christians across the world observe one of the most sacred days, I would like to wish them, and the wider community a very solemn, devout and holy Good Friday. After a prayerful and reflective Lenten season and Holy Week, Christians observe this revered day which marks the...
Posted On 10 Apr 2020
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Kamla tells PM: Let’s work together on COVID-19 crisis

Today I am once again reiterating my call to the government to work with the Opposition, civil society, NGOs and other non-aligned persons to mount a united effort and work on a comprehensive Covid-19 response and recovery plan. This is a time for cooperation, as no single entity...
Posted On 09 Apr 2020
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Kamla: Government must Account to the People of T&T

The Government’s flip flop on the move to hire private security firms to complement police patrols during the national shutdown caused by the Coronavirus pandemic highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in all Government’s spending on measures aimed at...
Posted On 08 Apr 2020
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Moonilal: Stuart Young Must Resign Forthwith

They make policy by voops at press conferences and cancel policy by vaps at press conferences. They have mismanaged every single thing since January 2020 vis the COVID 19 threat. Today in the second week of April they now asking private labs to test, having failed to procure test...
Posted On 08 Apr 2020
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Senator Obika makes appeal for water for Point Fortin Constituency

Senator Taharqa Obika calls on the Minister of Public Utilities and WASA to provide water to residents of Point Fortin Constituency as several communities as far as Icacos are without a dependable supply of pipe borne water at this time. As calls for his assistance increase,...
Posted On 06 Apr 2020
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UNC urges greater protection for frontline healthcare workers

The Government’s announcement of limited hours of operation for essential services and an extension of the curtailment of non-essential services until April 30th are long overdue, but the United National Congress remains hopeful that they will have an impact in curbing the spread...
Posted On 06 Apr 2020
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