
Lee: Five years of PNM mismanagement has collapsed our Energy Sector

Five years of failed leadership by this government within our energy sector has finally broken years of hard work and progress, placing this nation in one its most volatile, grim and troubling economic positions. The closure of a fourth massive plant in Point Lisas and the...
Posted On 07 May 2020
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UNC PRO to AG Al Rawi: Stop Using Official Ministry Accounts to Peddle Political Propaganda

Senator Anita Haynes, the Public Relations Officer of the UNC has taken note of a Facebook post on the Office of the Attorney General official page on the closure of the Cambridge Analytica Police Investigation. In statement today Senator Haynes noted: “While the Honourable...
Posted On 07 May 2020
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UNC Vindicated in Cambridge Analytica Investigation

The United National Congress thanks the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service for bringing a quick end to the Cambridge Analytica fairy-tale, foisted on our population by senior members of the Keith Rowley administration. Like Emailgate, the PNM has now lost another of their key...
Posted On 06 May 2020
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FUELGATE PART 4: More Questions for Rowley, Paria Board

News reports today state that PM Rowley attended the Tenth Special Emergency Meeting of the CARICOM Heads of Government via video-conferencing yesterday. I found it rather interesting that Rowley so readily utilized technology to participate in this important regional meeting....
Posted On 06 May 2020
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FUELGATE PART 3: Rowley’s Dangerous Dictatorship Dance can Destroy our Economy

Once again, I am calling on PM Rowley to publicly state that he intends to fully cooperate with any investigation into the highly questionable ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco that his Government has dangerously plunged our country into. This after his refusal to do so, even though he has now...
Posted On 06 May 2020
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UNC to Rowley: Stop deflecting and answer the questions on suspicious dealings with Venezuela

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and his agents are now busy trying to deflect and distract from their suspicious dealings with Venezuela by using loaded words like “treason.” The fact is the United National Congress has never called for the imposition of any sanctions on our...
Posted On 05 May 2020
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Kamla: Together we will heal our nation and emerge from the Covid-19 crisis stronger and more united

Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, has put forward her party’s plans to transform our nation, restore growth and restart diversification post-Covid-19. On Monday 4th May, 2020, the Opposition Leader and Political Leader of the United National...
Posted On 04 May 2020
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‘FUELGATE’ PART 2: Kamla: Rowley Must Cooperate with US Investigations

Today, I am compelled to respond to the delusional, misleading and outright deceitful ranting of Rowley in his latest attempts to falsely malign many citizens, myself included, of this land. This after I called on him to tell the truth about the questionable ‘Fuelgate’ fiasco his...
Posted On 03 May 2020
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Kamla Calls on PM Rowley to Clear the Air as T&T Faces US Sanctions

It is with serious alarm that I note a report in today’s Trinidad Guardian about the United States probing our country over a Trinidad &Tobago fuel shipment linked to Venezuela. If true, our country’s very economic survival is at stake. This since, as our longstanding and...
Posted On 01 May 2020
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Oropouche West MP: When you fail to prepare, prepare to fail!

The Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries is a very worried man these days. He is the Government liaison for Agriculture with the Prime Minister’s Post Pandemic Economic team, which is expected to provide ideas and initiatives for the agricultural sector in the Post...
Posted On 30 Apr 2020
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Kamla – UNC’s 31st Anniversary Message

As the United National Congress celebrates 31 years of selfless service to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, I reiterate my party’s commitment towards national development, and ensuring that we can rebuild our country and improve the lives of our citizens who are currently...
Posted On 29 Apr 2020
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UNC: Opposition vows to continue fighting for the burdened population in Parliament

Today, the Government continued its attempts to stifle the Opposition, by moving to reduce the speaking time of Members during today’s sitting of the House of Representatives. While the Government brings Bills to the Parliament that are not urgent and are of dubious value, and...
Posted On 27 Apr 2020
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