
Kamla: Calls for international observers for 2020 General Election

Political Leader of the United National Congress, Kamla Persad-Bissessar has written to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, urging him to invite international observer teams to monitor the 2020 General Election. The text of the UNC Leader’s letter is outlined below: With the August...
Posted On 08 Jul 2020
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UNC presents its full slate of candidates for General Elections

The United National Congress is ready to return good governance to Trinidad and Tobago.  Our screening committee has selected a formidable team all of whom are ready to work in service to our country. We called all persons who want to work to take our country forward and the...
Posted On 05 Jul 2020
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Kamla: Time for Peace, Calm and Respect

I am deeply concerned about the violent unrest in our nation’s capital. I encourage all to respect each other and for peace and calm while we await the independent investigation by the Police Complaints Authority into the shooting incident over the weekend which reportedly...
Posted On 01 Jul 2020
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MP Lee – Stop the untruths PM, your Gov’t has crashed the Energy sector

After five years of abhorrent failure in the energy sector, it is time the Prime Minister end his political charade on misleading the country on its true state of affairs as the facts show that the energy sector is in the most deplorable, despicable and crumbling state it has...
Posted On 29 Jun 2020
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Kamla: A UNC Government will urgently revamp the Children’s Life Fund

In the mid-2000s, desperate families were often in the news begging for donations, or selling raffle or barbeque tickets, to raise large sums of money. It was to pay for life saving surgeries for their sick, dying children which could only be done abroad. They received no help...
Posted On 24 Jun 2020
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Kamla: UNC Will Bring Back Free Early Childhood Education For All

Six years ago, when I was Prime Minister, top global leaders such as Hillary Clinton and former UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon were showering high praises on T&T for our then pioneering education initiatives. We were hailed as one of the first countries in the world to...
Posted On 24 Jun 2020
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Kamla: When Governments Starve Babies, Crime Never Goes Away

In 2007, I read a newspaper report about the arrest of a poor, desperate mother. She had stolen baby formula in a grocery to feed her hungry child. It broke my heart and haunts me to this day. This is why, as Prime Minister (2010-2015), I created the Baby Grant. Mothers from...
Posted On 22 Jun 2020
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Kamla: Fathers are key to the future National Development of Trinidad and Tobago

Father’s Day is an opportunity to show our appreciation for fathers and the critical role they play in families and in the community. On this special day, I would like to wish all the fathers of our nation a Happy Father’s Day. I also offer warm greetings to the many individuals...
Posted On 21 Jun 2020
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UNC Announces Five More Candidates for General Elections

The United National Congress has completed the screening process for the selection of candidates in preparation for the General Election due this year. Over the past few weeks, the UNC has named several candidates who will represent the party in the election and champion the...
Posted On 20 Jun 2020
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Kamla: The Keith Rowley Government has failed workers

As the term of this Keith Rowley led Government comes to an end, it will be remembered as one of the worst for this country’s working population.  Under this administration more than 100,000 jobs have been lost, leaving families struggling to make ends meet. This year marks the...
Posted On 18 Jun 2020
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After $20 Billion, Minister Admits ‘Parallel Health System’ Failed

Weekend media reports note that Health Minister Deyalsingh has now frighteningly admitted that the much touted “parallel health system is basically filled at this time.” It’s therefore unable to take in any new Covid-19 patients for the next few weeks. This is a serious cause for...
Posted On 15 Jun 2020
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UNC Choose former National Footballer David Nakhid for Tunapuna

The United National Congress Screening Committee has chosen former National Footballer and International player Mr David Martin Nakhid as the candidate for the Tunapuna constituency in the 2020 General Elections. Mr Nakhid has long been a staunch supporter of the UNC and an avid...
Posted On 14 Jun 2020
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