
UNC: Rowley Must Stop Campaigning and Get to Work – Citizens are Suffering

Last night at the PNM’s virtual meeting one could be forgiven for thinking that the PNM was campaigning for an upcoming General Election and that Keith Rowley was never the Prime Minister for the past five years. What was on display last night on the PNM platform was gutter...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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MP Saddam Hosein Calls on PM to tell the TRUTH

Today I call upon the Prime Minister to stop misleading the population and tell the truth. It is my duty to ensure that the public is not misled and is aware of truth of the matter, as such I must correct the misinformation. Last night during a PNM Meeting in Belmont, Dr. Rowley...
Posted On 16 Oct 2020
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MP for Cumuto/Manzanilla Questions Education Minister Online Access Figures

Member of Parliament for Cumuto/Manzanilla Dr.Rai Ragbir is today disputing statements by Education Minister Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly that 90 per cent of the nation’s students are accessing education online. Dr. Ragbir is questioning the methodology used in arriving at such a...
Posted On 15 Oct 2020
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Indarsingh questions government plan to privatise the Port of Port of Spain

Speaking in the late hours of last evening’s Budget debate, Indarsingh questioned the Minister of Finance as to whether a firm from Hong Kong and another from France were already chosen underhandedly by the Government to acquire the port. The entities are CMA CGM, with its...
Posted On 13 Oct 2020
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Councillor Hosein Slams Gov’t for Striking out Reform Hindu School from Budget

Councillor for Reform / Manahambre Chris Arshad Hosein has questioned why the completion of the Reform Hindu School has been struck off the Government’s 2021 Development Programme. According to Councillor Hosein, the Government has shown a blatant disregard for the students of...
Posted On 08 Oct 2020
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Kamla Knocks Gov’t on Removal of Fuel Subsidy

The Government will remove fuel subsidies on premium and super gasoline come January 2021, making way for gas station owners to set their own fuel prices which will only add further hardship to the people of Trinidad and Tobago. The removal of fuel subsidy has shown how...
Posted On 07 Oct 2020
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Member of Parliament for St. Augustine expresses disappointment in Budget 2021

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine, Khadijah Ameen, has described the 2021 Budget Statement as a ‘sad rehash of five years of broken PNM promises. Following the presentation of Budget Statement 2021 by Minister of Finance today, MP Ameen expressed disappointment that there...
Posted On 05 Oct 2020
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Couva North MP – Gov’t must act immediately to eradicate Giant African Snail from T&T

Prior to being elected as the Member of Parliament for Couva North, during the 2020 election campaign season, constituents complained about the Giant African Snail. From then to now, I have been inundated with photos, videos, telephone calls, whatsapp messages, and various other...
Posted On 01 Oct 2020
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UNC Natex Member, Bheemal Ramlogan calls on Express to retract false comment and apologise

National Executive Member of the United National Congress, Bheemal Ramlogan is calling on the Trinidad Express Newspaper to retract and apologise for a malicious, false statement printed in the Tuesday 29th, September 2020 edition of their daily newspaper. On Monday instant, Mr....
Posted On 01 Oct 2020
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Dr Bodoe: Health sector in collapse before COVID-19

I wish to express my deepest condolences to the family, friends and coworkers of Parliamentary procedural clerk assistant Sheranne Samuel on her untimely passing. As Vice Chairman of the PAAC in the last Parliament I had the pleasure of working with Sheranne on numerous...
Posted On 29 Sep 2020
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Councillor Hosein Rolls out Pandemic Initiatives– Calls on Gov’t to Step up Their Game

Councillor for the municipal district of Reform / Manahambre in a “Report on Stewardship Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic” has laid out a series of initiatives that he has undertaken and plans to roll out in the coming weeks in an effort to allay the distress of his burgesses....
Posted On 27 Sep 2020
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MP Tancoo: Stop Crime – Give Police the Resources they Need Now

The Constituency of Oropouche West is under siege by criminals. The residents of Tulsa Trace, San Francique recently highlighted that they are living in fear due to an upsurge of crime in their neighbourhoods. Within the past six months there has been a significant spike in...
Posted On 25 Sep 2020
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