
Lutchmedial: Conflict of Interest? Look in the mirror AG – and then look to your right

It is comical to say the very least that a man who was forced to recuse himself from the Cabinet on 37 occasions due to conflicts of interest would seek to lecture others on the subject. Al Rawi’s claim that there is a conflict of interest in my challenging the non-bailable...
Posted On 15 Feb 2021
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Evidence (Amendment) Bill Passed with Opposition Support

The Opposition today voted in favour of the Government’s Evidence bill and the Government must now do its job. The PNM Government has demonstrated complete incompetence and abject failure in dealing with the crime crisis plaguing our nation. Even though we remain...
Posted On 12 Feb 2021
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OPPOSITION TO FILE PRIVILEGES MOTION AGAINST ATTORNEY GENERAL AL RAWI FOR LYING TO THE HOUSE We have taken note of the irresponsible, misleading and dishonest representations made by the Attorney General on 5th February 2021 during the debate on the Evidence (Amendment) Bill. The...
Posted On 11 Feb 2021
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Lutchmedial: AG In Contempt

I wish to correct the false narrative that is being peddled by AG Al-Rawi about the issues in the case of Akili Charles v The Attorney General in which I appear as junior counsel to Mr. Anand Ramlogan SC. This is without a doubt another desperate attempt by the AG to distract the...
Posted On 11 Feb 2021
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Lutchmedial: State should arrange foreign independent forensic examination

Whilst the country is still grieving and traumatized over the tragic death of young Andrea Bharatt, we are now faced with more questions surrounding thr the efficacy of the arms of the State and the functioning of criminal justice system. The media reported that the State...
Posted On 11 Feb 2021
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Kamla: T&T economy on brink of collapse due to PNM mismanagement

Today’s press conference by the Minister of Finance was an eye-opening confession of the deep economic crisis the PNM government has created. It is abundantly clear that the government gave the country false hope in their budget four months ago when they promised to “reset the...
Posted On 10 Feb 2021
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Kamla: The Opposition stands ready to meet with stakeholders of criminal justice system

The Opposition has noted the concerns of the Law Association and their call for “open and good faith dialogue among all stakeholders” of the Criminal Justice System. To this end, as the Opposition, we continue to fulfil our constitutional role inside and outside of the Parliament...
Posted On 09 Feb 2021
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UNC: Guardian Media Should be the Last to Lecture Anyone

Instead, they should look at their own shameless and disgusting role in carrying the country to where it is. The United National Congress unequivocally rejects the Sunday Guardian front-page editorial of 7 February 2021. By their muddled thinking and their unwillingness to...
Posted On 07 Feb 2021
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Kamla: Government continues to fail to protect the people of our nation

Government’s continued failure to fix problems in the administration of National Security and the Criminal Justice System poses a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the people of Trinidad and Tobago: Instead of fixing the problems in National Security...
Posted On 04 Feb 2021
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Kamla to Rowley: Respect the Law in Tobago Deadlock

I am very disturbed by the statements made today by the Prime Minister because his suggestions for ending the THA impasse are contrary to the existing law of Trinidad and Tobago and contrary to the democratic will of the people of Tobago. We do not support the suggestions made by...
Posted On 03 Feb 2021
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MP Lee to Minister Khan: Stop hiding from the energy crisis

The Minister of Energy needs to stop deflecting as well as hiding from the crisis facing Point Lisas and tell the nation the true state of affairs facing our downstream sector. It has been one month since the letter written by five major CEOs representing 24 plants within the...
Posted On 03 Feb 2021
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Kamla: Young weaponizing Covid-19 variants to defend his failed policies

It is totally shameful and insulting that the Minister of National Security is now weaponizing the variants of Covid-19 to create a shabby defence of his baseless and evil policy of blocking out citizens from this nation. The people of our nation, especially the distraught family...
Posted On 02 Feb 2021
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