
Tancoo tells Imbert: Face the facts

Instead of accounting to the population for the $25 billion contraction of the real economy over the last 6 years despite spending $300 billion, Minister of Finance Colm Imbert continues to desperately try to deflect public attention away from the social and economic crisis to...
Posted On 09 Aug 2021
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MP Lee : Urgent action needed on oil spill in Gulf of Paria

Reports from the group Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) of an oil spill in the Gulf of Paria, specifically in the vicinity of the Pointe a Pierre refinery extending to Claxton Bay is extremely concerning and warrants an immediate investigation by the Ministry of Energy. As...
Posted On 08 Aug 2021
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Opposition Leader: Hilaire must account for Central Bank mismanagement

While speaking at the launch of the Central Bank’s Financial Stability Report 2020, Central Bank Governor Alvin Hilaire touted his “optimism” regarding the current state of the economy. Given the severity of our economic crisis, one wonders what inspires this “optimism” expressed...
Posted On 07 Aug 2021
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Opposition Leader: We must save our retail and service sectors

The Rowley government’s continued forced lockdown of our retail and service sectors without a clear plan going forward is unacceptable and tyrannical. While lockdown measures were necessary at the onset of the Covid -19 pandemic to contain the infection, flatten the curve and...
Posted On 06 Aug 2021
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Tancoo says his claim of geographical discrimination is vindicated

“Geographic discrimination. That is what Oropouche West and other southern constituencies are suffering under this Government.” That is the view of Oropouche West MP Davendranath Tancoo, who noted that earlier this week when floods inundated the western peninsula,...
Posted On 06 Aug 2021
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Tancoo: Imbert’s Denial of Falling SP rating and crisis of confidence means TT in for worse time

The continuous fall in this country’s credit rating from Standard and Poors’ (SP) signals the recognition by international agencies that investors have lost confidence in the Minister of Finance Colm Imbert and his government’s ability to manage the economy. In a recent...
Posted On 02 Aug 2021
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Emancipation Day 2021

Today our nation celebrates Emancipation Day, a day that marks the abolition of the vile practice of chattel slavery. It is a day for both celebration of the liberation of enslaved Africans and an opportunity to reflect on, and learn from, the lessons of this dark period in our...
Posted On 01 Aug 2021
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Opposition Leader Extends Condolences on the Passing of Haji Yacoob Ali

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un – “Verily we belong to Allah and verily to Him do we return.” I am saddened to learn of the passing of Haji Yacoob Ali, President General of the Anjuman Sunnat ul Jamaat Association of Trinidad and Tobago (ASJA). Haji...
Posted On 28 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader: The PNM is turning our economy’s credit rating to junk status

The latest attempt by the Rowley regime to hide the grim economic reality facing our nation by distorting Trinidad and Tobago’s recent sovereign credit rating by the agency Standards and Poors (S&P) is disturbing and worrying. Standards and Poors has affirmed the current...
Posted On 28 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader’s statement on the passing of LeRoy Clarke

Today Trinidad and Tobago has sadly lost a true genius of the soil, icon and pioneer of Caribbean art, Mr. LeRoy Clarke. Mr Clarke was a truly gifted painter and poet, but those labels alone do not do him or his work justice. Mr Clarke belonged to that pantheon of great Trinidad...
Posted On 27 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader: Like Maduro, Rowley wants power with no responsibility or accountability

When confronted with difficult questions, members of this Government become cantankerous and evasive. ·        When Rowley was asked this week about the Government’s position on the ongoing saga over Atlantic LNG’s Train one, he immediately deemed the issue off-limits to...
Posted On 23 Jul 2021
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Opposition Leader: Why is the PNM allowing Maduro to debar local journalists from covering news events?

The serious incident which occurred last week involving the Rowley regime debarring private media houses from covering the repatriation of Venezuelan nationals has rightfully been condemned by persons across the political divide. However, the latest remarks by the Minister of...
Posted On 22 Jul 2021
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