Rowley’s motion backfires

By Andre Bagoo Sunday, May 26 2013. BY THE LAST day of the debate, even Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley had to admit that his motion of no-confidence against the Government was no longer about the Government but, rather, himself.
Posted On 26 May 2013
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Rowley faces PNM backlash

In the wake of the ‘email scandal’, Trinidad & Tobago Opposition Leader and Parliamentary Representative for Diego Martin West, Dr Keith Rowley, now faces internal backlash in the beleaguered People’s National Movement. On Monday 2oth May, 2013, Dr Rowley brought another...
Posted On 25 May 2013
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US hails TT

Trinidad and Tobago was placed on US Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to the Caribbean and South America as the US assesses its relationship in Latin America and the Caribbean because it is viewed as an important regional leader. “Trinidad and Tobago is an important regional...
Posted On 25 May 2013
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Rowley faces expulsion

OPPOSITION Leader and Diego Martin West MP Dr Keith Rowley faces possible expulsion from the House of Representatives over allegations that he this week misled the Parliament, Government Chief Whip Dr Roodal Moonilal said yesterday. Rowley was referred to Parliament’s...
Posted On 24 May 2013
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UNC St Joseph Constituency Executive bring greetings on 3rd anniversary

Today is indeed a historic day in our nation as we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of our People’s Partnership Government. On May 24th 2010, the electorate of Trinidad and Tobago changed the political landscape of our country as never before, putting us back on the road to growth...
Posted On 24 May 2013
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Criminal justice system receives overhaul

In an effort to improve the criminal justice system and accommodate the abolition of preliminary enquiries, Cabinet has approved the change to the organisational structure of both the Judiciary and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Speaking at the post-Cabinet...
Posted On 23 May 2013
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AFTER seventeen hours of non-stop debate over three successive days of Parliament sittings, when the time came for Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to reply to the allegations made against her by Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley, Rowley and PNM MPs walked out on their own...
Posted On 23 May 2013
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Gaspard: I was never approached to be a judge

TWO days after controversial e-mail exchanges were revealed in Parliament by Opposition Leader Keith Rowley, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Roger Gaspard has said he was never approached by any Government official to be a judge. Gaspard broke his silence on the issue after...
Posted On 23 May 2013
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E-mail Crash

Rowley walks out on own motion; sent to Privileges Committee PM: Desperate act by Rowley The Prime Minister made mas as she wound up the debate on the no-confidence motion yesterday, with the expected outcome of a resounding defeat of Opposition Leader Dr Keith Row­ley’s motion...
Posted On 23 May 2013
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Cabinet Approves $74,850 for Cerebral Palsy Workshop

Cabinet released the sum of $74, 850 to the Cerebral Palsy Society of Trinidad and Tobago (CPSTT) for a two-day workshop held on 23-24th February 2013 at the Preysal Community Centre.
Posted On 22 May 2013
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US Embassy unaware of any murder conspiracy

THE UNITED States Embassy yesterday said it was not aware of any murder conspiracy involving a reporter who may have had contacts there, as it maintained that diplomatic relations with Trinidad and Tobago remain strong.
Posted On 22 May 2013
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Experts query authenticity of e-mail addresses revealed by Rowley INFORMATION technology experts who have examined the purported e-mails detailing an alleged Section 34 conspiracy involving top Government officials  are questioning the authenticity of the exchange. Among the...
Posted On 22 May 2013
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