GATE-E to improve GATE application process

Applications and approvals for the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses Programme (GATE) will become more efficient as Cabinet approved the GATE E service. Minister of Tertiary Education and Skills Training, Fazal Karim made the statement as he addressed the post-Cabinet...
Posted On 20 Jun 2013
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Trinidad and Tobago becomes a Full Signatory to the IOSCO MMoU

Trinidad and Tobago, through the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC), has become a Full Signatory to the International Organization of Securities Commission’s Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and Cooperation and the...
Posted On 20 Jun 2013
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PM has cordial meeting with President on Integrity Commission

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar met with President Anthony Carmona on Thursday afternoon to discuss matters surrounding the Integrity Commission. She told reporters at the end of the almost hour-long meeting at President’s House in St. Ann’s that their talks...
Posted On 20 Jun 2013
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Clico Policyholders happy

THE CLICO Policyholders Group yesterday welcomed new legislation to strengthen the regulation of the insurance industry. The Insurance Bill – proposing million-dollar fines and liability for company directors and agents – was referred to a Joint Select Committee of Parliament on...
Posted On 20 Jun 2013
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THE BALL is in the court of President Anthony Carmona who could well be poised to take action within the next 24 hours over the question of the composition of the Integrity Commission. The President is today due to meet with Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar at President’s...
Posted On 20 Jun 2013
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Integrity Commission chairman: Why should I resign?

ASKED IF he would resign, chairman of the Integrity Commission Ken Gordon yesterday queried whether there is a basis for any resignation on his part. “On what basis would I resign?” Gordon told Newsday, speaking over the phone from the fourth floor offices of the Integrity...
Posted On 19 Jun 2013
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Govt’s plan to transform T&T economy

Opportunities in the energy sector must be optimised to foster a sustainable and stable economy in the future, Planning Minister Dr Bhoe Tewarie has said. In his address at a seminar on a Achieving Sustainability in Regions with Extractive Industries in south Trinidad, Tewarie...
Posted On 19 Jun 2013
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Rowley Admits Purported Documents May Not Be Authentic

UNITED NATIONAL CONGRESS ROWLEY ADMITS PURPORTED DOCUMENTS MAY NOT BE AUTHENTIC                 The United National Congress stands by statements made by its leader, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, S.C., that the “emails” circulated by the Leader of the Opposition, the...
Posted On 19 Jun 2013
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Medical Clinic at Poonah Open Bible Church

The Member of Parliament for Tabaquite Dr. Sururjrattan Rambachan would like to sincerely thank Pastor Mansingh and his Staff for hosting the free Medical Camp which was held on Saturday 15th June 2013 at the Poonah Open Bible Church, Poonah Road, Whiteland This event was quite a...
Posted On 19 Jun 2013
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PRESIDENT Anthony Carmona and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar are scheduled to meet tomorrow to hold discussions which are expected to address the issues surrounding the Integrity Commission, including the disclosure of a private meeting between the chairman Ken Gordon and...
Posted On 19 Jun 2013
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GLADYS GAFOOR, 75, the former deputy chairman of the Integrity Commission who was in a bitter row with the chairman Ken Gordon, yesterday described the private meeting between Gordon and Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley as “improper” and called the chairman “hypocritical” given...
Posted On 19 Jun 2013
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PM Kamla Labour Day Message 2013

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP On the occasion of Labour Day June 19th, 2013 Today, June 19th, on behalf of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, I proudly salute the men and women of our nation who work...
Posted On 18 Jun 2013
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