PNM: Gordon did no wrong

PEOPLE’S National Movement (PNM) chairman Franklin Khan said yesterday the party was clear that no wrongs were committed when Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley met Integrity Commission chairman Ken Gordon on May 15. Khan addressed reporters yesterday following the party’s general...
Posted On 23 Jun 2013
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AG on Gordon’s statement: IC further compromised

Friday’s press release issued by Integrity Commission chairman Ken Gordon has further compromised the commission’s integrity and independence. Attorney General Anand Ramlogan was commenting on Gordon’s statement, which ended all speculation that he was not going to resign and...
Posted On 23 Jun 2013
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Energy Minister on illegal bunkering: We’re going after them

Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine has vowed to take immediate action against gas station owners who police suspect are involved in illegal diesel bunkering. While Ramnarine said he had not received any report that NP officials were linked to the racket he, however, said if it was...
Posted On 23 Jun 2013
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Busted, as Gas Stations, Gangsters Linked

After two months of surveillance, police yesterday uncovered a major diesel-bunkering racket in Sea Lots which led to the arrests of two men who were caught pumping diesel into a storage tank buried under a mound of dirt and concrete. Police said several owners of gas stations...
Posted On 23 Jun 2013
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Blessings from Balisier House

AS MINISTER of Foreign Affairs in 2005, Knowlson W Gift wrote to the Consul General at New York recommending that a job be given to a clerical officer saying this appointment came “with the blessing of the hierarchy at Balisier House”, documents obtained by Sunday Newsday...
Posted On 23 Jun 2013
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AG: Gordon has no sole power

The Integrity in Public Life Act (IPLA) does not give any power to a single member of the Integrity Commission neither does it give any specific power to the chairman except when the commission is duly constituted. So said Attorney General Anand Ramlogan yesterday when he spoke...
Posted On 22 Jun 2013
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AG troubled by Gordon’s statement

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said he was a more worried man after chairman of the Integrity Commission Ken Gordon’s statement about his May 15 meeting with Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley. Ramlogan commented on Gordon’s statement yesterday over the so-called secret meeting....
Posted On 22 Jun 2013
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KEN GORDON, 83, yesterday defended his hosting of a private meeting with Opposition and PNM political leader Dr Keith Rowley at his Glencoe home – in the absence of the Integrity Commission Registrar – stating he was exercising powers available to “the Commission” to do as it...
Posted On 22 Jun 2013
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Rowley happy Gordon’s staying

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday greeted the news of Integrity Commission chairman Ken Gordon’s decision to remain in office with gladness, but said he had some regrets about the way the May 15 meeting between the two was blown out of proportion. Rowley made the...
Posted On 21 Jun 2013
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PM: Were there other secret meetings?

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has declined comment on the statement issued by the Chairman of the Integrity Commission, Mr. Ken Gordon, on his private meeting with Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley. The Prime Minister said her concern is not about the meeting, but rather...
Posted On 21 Jun 2013
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Deadline for UNC nominations – 4 pm today

As of yesterday the names of seven candidates to contest the Chaguanas West bye-election were submitted to the United National Congress Secretariat at the Rienzi Complex. The deadline for the submission of names is 4 pm today. The party Elections Officer and Minister in the...
Posted On 21 Jun 2013
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Kamla holds talks with London today

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and chief secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Orville London will meet today for the second time this year at the Prime Minister’s office in Parliament at 3 pm. High on the agenda for discussion is the process for the granting of...
Posted On 21 Jun 2013
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