AG: Not a gang member? Prove it !

ATTORNEY General Anand Ramlogan is proposing an amendment to the Anti-Gang legislation which would shift the burden of proof from the prosecution to the suspected gang member. If the amendment is passed in Parliament, the onus would then be on the alleged gangsters to prove that...
Posted On 27 Aug 2013
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IT was the height of irresponsibility for OWTU leader, Ancel Roget, to be among a group of masked, black-clad protesters participating in an illegal demonstration at the Halls of Justice on Wednesday, that had panicked Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mervyn Richardson, into...
Posted On 25 Aug 2013
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Lee Sing: Put local election on hold

Outspoken Port-of-Spain mayor, Louis Lee Sing, is advising that the local government elections should be postponed and be called after reform takes place. Despite his strong views on the matter, the mayor believes the Opposition People’s National Movement (PNM), of which he is a...
Posted On 23 Aug 2013
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Residents praise PM, criticise MPs

“GIVE us jobs and fix the inside of our apartments.” This was among the list of demands made by east Port of Spain residents following Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s visit to the community yesterday afternoon. The Prime Minister had visited the area last Thursday...
Posted On 22 Aug 2013
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PM met with 300 persons seeking Certificates of Comfort

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, MP, met with 300 persons on Tuesday to discuss the status of their Certificates of Comfort. At a meeting at the Siparia Constituency office, the Prime Minister was joined by Ministers Kevin Ramnarine and Devant Maharaj as they met with...
Posted On 21 Aug 2013
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Praedial Larceny Squad launched

Food Production Minister, Devant Maharaj, has announced the establishment of five stations to help combat praedial larceny that will be manned initially by a Praedial Larceny Squad (PLS). The squad, comprising 76 members of the Special Reserve Police (SRP), was launched yesterday...
Posted On 20 Aug 2013
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Moonilal: CCTV for HDC estates

HOUSING Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal said it is the intention of the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) to install Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) throughout HDC estates and more so in those that are considered crime hotspots. The minister was commenting on a joint police and...
Posted On 19 Aug 2013
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Direct Impact in Edinburgh 500, Chaguanas

Residents of Edinburgh 500, Chaguanas, came out in their numbers as they were re-visited by Minister of the People and Social Development, Dr. Glenn Ramadharsingh on Thursday 15th August, 2013. He was accompanied by Mayor of Chaguanas, Orlando Nagessar, officials from the...
Posted On 17 Aug 2013
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Cabinet agrees to 4 years for local govt

THE WHITE Paper on Local Government Reform — which recommends that the term of life of local government be extended — was on Thursday accepted and approved by Cabinet, sources said yesterday. As such, the White Paper is expected to be laid in Parliament in coming weeks, raising...
Posted On 17 Aug 2013
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Kamla, Rowley meet, agree to crime fight back

Both Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar and Dr Rowley said that “on this issue we have common cause and we have agreed to approach the challenge that crime presents in a collaborative way Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley on Friday night met...
Posted On 17 Aug 2013
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Kamla sheds tears for murder victims

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday announced that a police/army post would be set up at Duncan Street, Port-of-Spain, within the next 24 to 48 hours, as the effort to curb the recent spate of murders there was intensified. The PM said so on the compound of Building...
Posted On 16 Aug 2013
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108 get housing comfort

Squatters from across the country came one step closer to peace of mind yesterday. The Land Settlement Agency (LSA) distributed 108 certificates of comfort to squatter families from across the country at City Hall Auditorium, San Fernando. Recipients yesterday were from...
Posted On 15 Aug 2013
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