Something to recall – Igniting the Spirit to Win

BE SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE: By Andre Bagoo Saturday, May 29 2010. PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday ordered her newly sworn-in Cabinet to always remember that “the people are the government” and that as Cabinet members they must be “the servants of...
Posted On 24 Nov 2013
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When Max Richards Spoke a Truth – Moments to Remember

Richards cites Kamla’s achievement Sunday, May 30 2010 President George Maxwell Richards yesterday urged citizens to celebrate Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s ascent to the post of Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. “For us, this is a most telling year and time in our history,” he...
Posted On 24 Nov 2013
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Panday to be honoured at law dinner tonight

Former prime minister Basdeo Panday will receive an award at tonight’s Law Association Annual Dinner and Dance, for his more than 50 years of service as an attorney-at-law. Panday has also been invited to deliver the feature address at the event which will be held at the Hyatt...
Posted On 22 Nov 2013
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Kamla praises ‘fearless’ media

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday said the local media is “fearless” and critical to maintaining freedom and democracy in TT. She made this statement at a media luncheon at the Diplomatic Centre shortly after receiving the 2013 Democracy Medal from International...
Posted On 22 Nov 2013
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Cabinet approves Radar Guns

CABINET has approved the use and purchase of 400 speed detection devices, also called radar guns, to curb speeding on the nation’s roads, and once available they should be in operation by February next year. Transport Minister Stephen Cadiz, who made the disclosure yesterday at...
Posted On 22 Nov 2013
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Guyana: 10,000 acres of land for T&T farmers

10,000 acres of land to be identified within two weeks for T&T farmers Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago are moving forward with its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which will see 10,000 acres of land being given to the twin island republic for farming. Trinidad’s Food...
Posted On 21 Nov 2013
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Kamla: Govt cares for children

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said the People’s Partnership (PP) Government has been and continues to look after the welfare of this country’s children. In her message to commemorate Universal Children’s Day today, the Prime Minister cited the Children’s Life Fund and...
Posted On 20 Nov 2013
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Government invests $5.6 billion in tertiary education

Government wants to ensure that university graduates get jobs when they enter the job market, Tertiary Education Minister Fazal Karim  jassaid. “We must not contribute to the graduate glut. It contributes to discouraged graduates. I am focused on the employment rate and we will...
Posted On 19 Nov 2013
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Boost in farming jobs coming soon

There are plans for more than 400 farmers to cultivate 6,000 acres of unused land in North East and South East Trinidad, Food Production Minister Devant Maharaj has announced. Speaking at the re-commissioning ceremony for the ministry’s Plant Propagation Station at Marpar Farms...
Posted On 17 Nov 2013
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$310M investment in agriculture

Four investors, two local and two international, have signed memoranda of understanding (MOU) with Caroni GREEN, with a combined investment capital value of $310 million, that are expected to generate 940 permanent and seasonal jobs within a three-year period. Food Production...
Posted On 17 Nov 2013
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PM Kamla to chair Caricom meeting

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar will chair a meeting of the Caricom Bureau of Heads next week to deal with the issue of persons of Haitians descent born in the Dominican Republic after 1929, being denied citizenship based on a Constitutional Court ruling. An Office of the...
Posted On 16 Nov 2013
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PM Kamla gets international award

PM : “There is not a morning that I wake up when I do not think about what is in the best interest of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. It is their will that guides me in every decision that I make” The Office of the Prime Minister today issued a statement regarding an...
Posted On 12 Nov 2013
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