UNC Youths Work Towards UN Millennium Goals

Youths of the United National Congress (UNC) in their continued efforts to support the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) donated computers and books to the Bank Village Youth Empowerment and Homework Centre at a function hosted by Couva North MP, Ramona...
Posted On 18 Mar 2014
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Statement by Minister Ramnarine on Beetham Wastewater Plant

ENERGY MINISTER KEVIN RAMNARINE PRESENTS REPORT FROM NGC ON BEETHAM WASTEWATER PROJECT TO PARLIAMENT FRIDAY MARCH 14 2014 Background / Rationale Mr. Speaker, the NGC and WASA entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) to work together for the construction and...
Posted On 15 Mar 2014
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Ameen: UNC polls soon

UNITED National Congress (UNC) chairman, Khadijah Ameen, said the party’s internal elections are on course to be held this year as due. Speaking to Newsday yesterday, she said the elections will be held after the implementation of any suggestions to review the UNC constitution...
Posted On 14 Mar 2014
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Kamla gets top marks for unity: Poll

A new opinion poll suggests that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is the most popular leader in the country when it comes to uniting Trinidad and Tobago. The poll by NACTA – the North American Teachers Association asked: Which leader do you think can unite the whole of...
Posted On 13 Mar 2014
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Roget’s pledge to destabilise Trinidad and Tobago

Ancel Roget is pretending that he cares about the people of Trinidad and Tobago but he has a personal agenda that is destructive. When he hounded the MSJ to leave the government he was trying to put labour against the administration. And in a statement on that issue he made it...
Posted On 13 Mar 2014
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Aviation Institute to be opened by year’s end

Tertiary Education and Skills Training Minister Fazal Karim says the T&T’s first aviation institute will position this country as a regional leader in the aviation industry and provide much-needed personnel to fill thousands of vacancies worldwide. He said so on Monday as he...
Posted On 12 Mar 2014
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Big oil find in T&T within next five years

Energy Minister Ramnarine suggests: Five years or less. Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine has optimistically suggested that within five years, a major oil deposit will be discovered in Trinidad and Tobago’s deepwater fields that will change the economic fortunes of the county. “We...
Posted On 11 Mar 2014
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Howai: T&T records $4b surplus

The Government has recorded a $4 billion surplus for the first quarter of fiscal year 2013/2014, instead of the $708 million deficit that it had anticipated. In a release yesterday from Minister of Finance Larry Howai, Trinidad and Tobago’s actual revenue between October 1 and...
Posted On 11 Mar 2014
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Squatters displaced by Point Fortin Highway receives land

Ministry of Works and Infrastructure Minister Dr Suruj Rambachan was joined by Ministers Jairam Seemungal and Ms Stacy Roopnarine to distribute 79 lots of land at Picton to squatters displaced by the construction of the HIghway to Point Fortin. The squatters received a lease for...
Posted On 09 Mar 2014
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Kamla hands over to Gonsalves

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar will formally hand over chairmanship of Caricom to St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves when she attends the 35th Regular Caricom Heads of Government Meeting in St Vincent on Monday. Speaking with reporters at the...
Posted On 08 Mar 2014
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KAMLA impresses Jamaicans

 her tough talk and firmness of purpose – fully understands her role as a leader – an intellect that can be palpably felt – can openly see her leadership abilities. Of late I have been very impressed by Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Kam...
Posted On 02 Mar 2014
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No comparison between China patrol vessel and cancelled OPVs

The impression is being created in some quarters that there is a flip flop by the government with respect to the decision announced Monday that there is an agreement for the purchase of a Long Range Patrol Vessel from China. Read the story China promises Long Range vessel for...
Posted On 26 Feb 2014
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