Happy Independence from Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Fellow citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, It is with great pride that I join you in celebrating the 52nd Independence Anniversary of our great nation. Our face to the world Much has been bestowed on our beautiful twin-island Republic over the past 52 years. Indeed our history,...
Posted On 30 Aug 2014
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Constitution Amendment Bill passed

WITH a vote of 18 for and 12 against, the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014 was passed in the Upper House, Tower D, International Waterfront Centre, Port of Spain, last night. The vote took place at 11.07 p.m. The Government needed the vote of one Independent senator for the...
Posted On 29 Aug 2014
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Barbadian Political Scientist hails PM’s “selfless political act”

The Constitutional Amendment Bill, 2014 is one of the most anticipated Bills to be debated by those who support it and those who oppose the proposals. But there is support coming from regional bodies. On Monday, the Director of the Caribbean Development Research Services, Mr....
Posted On 27 Aug 2014
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Google shoots down ‘Emailgate’: Ramlogan plans to sue Rowley ATTORNEYS representing Attorney General Anand Ramlogan yesterday produced a certified affidavit from Google Inc which they claim invalidates the entire emailgate scandal. They now intend to find the conspirators who...
Posted On 25 Aug 2014
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A GOVERNMENT-commissioned Mori Caribbean poll on the question of proposals in the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014 has found that a majority of the population is in support of all three proposals for a threshold/runoff; a right of recall and term limits for prime ministers,...
Posted On 24 Aug 2014
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Talk to me

Even though debate on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill is due to begin in the Senate next Tuesday, Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar has urged those civil society organisations which have called for the legislation to be delayed to send in their suggestions and...
Posted On 20 Aug 2014
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There will be no backing down on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014. In fact, the People’s Partnership Government led by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar herself will hit the ground from today in a bid to educate the people and clear the fears and doubts with respect to...
Posted On 18 Aug 2014
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Campaign of panic and fear

PM on opposition to Constitution Amendment FACE-TO-FACE Mischief-makers are having a field day with the Constitution Amendment Bill now before the Parliament, laments Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. In this interview she complains about personal attacks against her, which...
Posted On 17 Aug 2014
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Kamla: People hold the power, not govts

‘Citizenship without freedom to choose like bondage’ Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar says the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014 will forever stand as testimony that citizens, and not governments, hold the power in a democracy. In the feature address at her Emancipation...
Posted On 16 Aug 2014
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PM at opening of Diego highway: Opposition gaining from State projects

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has dismissed allegations of her Government’s neglect and discrimination towards Opposition constituencies. Persad-Bissessar made the statement at the launch of the $82 million Diego Martin Highway expansion project at playpark, Victoria...
Posted On 14 Aug 2014
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar: “Democracy is greater than the win”

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, in a demonstration of her fundamental belief of true democracy, has relieved members of her Cabinet of the doctrine of collective responsibility by allowing all of them to vote according to conscience on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill,...
Posted On 11 Aug 2014
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…Attorney General: Government vindicated by ruling

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan has said that yesterday’s Court of Appeal ruling on the Highway Re-Route Movement (HRM) was a message sent by the judiciary to the State that it must ensure that the law is adhered to. Speaking at a news conference at his office on St Vincent...
Posted On 09 Aug 2014
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