
‘A robust partnership for promoting T&T’… Investment Conference in New York well attended

September 25, 2014:- ‘A robust partnership for promoting Trinidad and Tobago’ was the description of the calibre of speakers at and the programme of the Trinidad and Tobago Investment Conference. Making an invaluable contribution to this was Trade, Industry, Investment and...
Posted On 25 Sep 2014
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar Republic Day Message

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, Republic Day message delivered at the Bowling Green Park New York. Good afternoon, What a lovely day in Manhattan, New York. Today is a very special day in Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago celebrates 38 years as a Republic. And,...
Posted On 24 Sep 2014
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PM champions baby grant at UN

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday boasted about her Government’s babycare grant initiative at the 69th session of the United Nation’s General Assembly (UNGA) meeting yesterday. She raised the $500 grant, which was criticised by many for continuing a cycle of...
Posted On 23 Sep 2014
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…orders commission of enquiry into Las Alturas apartments under former housing minister Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley will be a key subject in a commission of enquiry ordered by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday to investigate the Las Alturas housing project in...
Posted On 19 Sep 2014
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Former energy minister Errol Mahabir: New drilling programmes are ‘game changers’

New petroleum discoveries would lead to a great future for T&T, said Errol Mahabir, former minister of petroleum and mines, who served in the 1970s under the Eric Williams administration. Mahabir was at the time speaking at the National Energy’s (NE)—formerly National Energy...
Posted On 17 Sep 2014
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Stacy: PNM stopped ‘Diego’ highway project

Minister of State in the Ministry of Works Stacy Roopnarine yesterday denied the claim made by Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley that this Government had stopped work on the Diego Martin Highway when it came into office in 2010. She was speaking in the budget debate in the House...
Posted On 16 Sep 2014
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PM: PNM response to budget a total distortion of the truth

THE response to the 2015 budget by the Leader of the PNM Opposition was “a deliberate distortion of the truth,” Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has said. The Prime Minister was speaking Friday following a two-hour response to the budget by the Leader of the PNM Oppositio...
Posted On 12 Sep 2014
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Tourism heads praise Budget

SMALL Tourism Accommodation Owners of TT President, Denise Aleong-Thomas said she was “grateful and surprised” on learning that the 2014/2015 Budget includes a 20 percent reimbursement, up to a maximum of $75,000, for upgrade work on small tourism properties with between one to...
Posted On 10 Sep 2014
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UNC congratulates Finance Minister Howai

The United National Congress wishes to congratulate the Minister of Finance, Senator Larry Howai, on the presentation of the fifth budget of the People’s Partnership in its term of office. Budget 2014 provides for every strata of our society. While there is a lot of focus on the...
Posted On 10 Sep 2014
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New port advances plans for regional growth

T&T’s first energy port, which was officially opened yesterday at Point Galeota, Guayaguayare, advances government’s plans to form a regional link with energy companies in Suriname, Guyana and north Brazil. So said Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine who added that US$85 million...
Posted On 06 Sep 2014
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T&T moves up in global competitiveness

T&T has moved up three places in the latest Global Competitiveness Report, rising from position 92 to 89 out of 144 countries. Balraj Kistow, a member of the faculty of the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, unveiled the latest rankings in a presentation at the...
Posted On 05 Sep 2014
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Ramnarine: Bright future for T&T’s gas

Although the latest Ryder Scott gas reserve audit for T&T shows a seven per cent reduction, Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine says there are bright prospects in terms of the country’s exploration resources. In his address at the presentation of the audit at the Hyatt Regency,...
Posted On 03 Sep 2014
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