DOMA: Crime down in capital city

Reports of a reduction in crime in Port of Spain are coming from business people in the capital city. During the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service’s launch of its annual Safe City crime initiative for the Christmas season yesterday, Downtown Owners and Merchants Association...
Posted On 04 Nov 2014
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T&T among top ‘doing business’ improvers

T&T is among the top ten countries showing the most improvement in the World Bank’s 2015 edition of the Ease of Doing Business” study due out in November. A new World Bank Group report states: “T&T, among the ten top improvers worldwide in this year’s report, made...
Posted On 31 Oct 2014
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Ex-judge to head Las Alturas probe

A three-man commission of enquiry, headed by retired Justice Mustapha Ibrahim, into the PNM administration’s Las Alturas project will determine if there are grounds for criminal or civil action concerning the dead-ended $40 million project, says Attorney General Anand Ramlogan....
Posted On 31 Oct 2014
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Kamla: Parliament sitting in November was always our plan As she announced Parliament would resume sittings next week Friday, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday chastised Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley for his comments that Government had abandoned Parliament. The...
Posted On 28 Oct 2014
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Respect the Courts

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar continues to express concern about the Highway Re-Route Movement’s (HRM) “its unwillingness to abide with the rulings of the court” on the group’s objections to matters related to construction of the Debe to Mon Desir section of the Point...
Posted On 24 Oct 2014
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar Extends Divali Greetings to the Nation

Fellow citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, Today, our nation celebrates the joyous occasion of Divali, the festival of lights. On behalf of the people and Government, I extend to the Hindu community “Shubh Divali”. May Mother Lakshmi shower us all with her blessings of prosperity,...
Posted On 22 Oct 2014
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Saturday announced a 20 per cent discount on selected grocery items as a gift for Divali, which is being celebrated as a national holiday on Thursday. She was speaking at a Divali celebration at her constituency office in Penal. Here is an...
Posted On 18 Oct 2014
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PM to set up Ebola prevention/response team

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Thursday night detailed this country’s response to the Ebola threat. During a speech at a Divali function at the Diplomatic Centre in Port of Spain, Persad-Bissessar said an Ebola Prevention and Response Team was to be set up,...
Posted On 17 Oct 2014
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Kamla: I cannot allow the nation to be held to ransom

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has reiterated that as much as she cares for, and was deeply concerned about the well-being of environmentalist Dr Wayne Kublalsingh she cannot allow the nation to be held to ransom. “If there were some way I could end this without...
Posted On 13 Oct 2014
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PM calls on religious leaders to save hunger striker

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has asked members of the Inter Religious Organisation (IRO) to intervene and save the life of environmentalist Dr Wayne Kublalsingh. Today, IRO president Haripersad Maharaj and other IRO members will meet with Kublalsingh at noon outside the...
Posted On 10 Oct 2014
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Judge dismisses IPL runoff motion

A CONSTITUTIONAL motion filed in the High Court by the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) challenging the passage of the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014 has been dismissed with the court saying that it “must never trespass unto the legislature’s domain.” The ILP, led by political...
Posted On 07 Oct 2014
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PM hails UN Small Arms Treaty

Speaking from New York where she’s attending a number of high-level events associated with the opening of the 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said that today’s event marking the achievement of the 50 ratifications needed...
Posted On 26 Sep 2014
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