No wait for CT Scans

HEALTH Minister Dr Fuad Khan yesterday said the waiting time for CT Scans will now be “almost non-existent” and the delay to get a scan will be “very minimal” following the launch of a Nuclear Medicine Centre at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex at Mount Hope. Dr Khan...
Posted On 04 Sep 2015
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200 get pipe borne water for first time

For the very first time, residents of Temple Village, Blanchisseusse Road, Arima, will receive pipeborne water in their homes. Minister of the Environment and Water Resources, Ganga Singh, yesterday commissioned the Verdant Vale Water Supply Project where over 200 villagers would...
Posted On 02 Sep 2015
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Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar Independence Day Message

Today, we celebrate the day on which Trinidad and Tobago gained its independence in 1962. All the people of Trinidad and Tobago – whether at home or abroad – can be very proud of our achievements, development and influence as an independent nation. We recall that day...
Posted On 31 Aug 2015
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Sando waterfront project to enrich lives — Ahmed

ONCE ELECTED as the Member of Parliament for the marginal San Fernando West constituency, the United National Congress (UNC) candidate, Raziah Ahmed, promises that the waterfront project in the southern city will be at the top of her list of things to enrich the lives of her...
Posted On 19 Aug 2015
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Energy Chamber: This will deepen local capital market

​The Energy Chamber of T&T fully supports the policy of offering shares in state-owned energy sector companies to the investing public in T&T. On Monday, the National Gas Company (NGC) launched its initial public offering (IPO) for T&TNGL, which is a holding company...
Posted On 14 Aug 2015
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Providing Jobs for Graduates

Tuesday August 11, 2015 PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar Will Support Successful Graduates and Provide Them with Job Opportunities After Graduation. This morning, Fazal Karim, Minister of Tertiary Education and Skills Training, met reporters at the MIC Institute of Technology, to talk...
Posted On 11 Aug 2015
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Coast Guard gets three vessels

Government’s newly-acquired coastal patrol vessel (CPV) CG 25, interceptor (vessel) and supply vessels for the Coast Guard are due to conduct their first coastal patrol training offshore from today, having completed yesterday a period of theoretical training onshore. The CPV and...
Posted On 10 Aug 2015
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20 Pledges for 2020: Kamla’s Plan for Trinidad and Tobago

Today, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar launched 20 Pledges for 2020, her plan for the next five years of a People’s Partnership government. “We can continue to build a better Trinidad & Tobago by keeping our economy on track, continuing to invest in education and skills...
Posted On 07 Aug 2015
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DIVERSIFICATION of T&T’s economy through the Blue, Green and Silver Economies articulated by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar continues at rapid fire speed. PM Kamla has spoken of the blue economy to diversify our energy-based economy, create jobs, protect the...
Posted On 06 Aug 2015
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The Launch of the Solar House Project

The Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs, formally commissioned Trinidad & Tobago’s first fully solar-powered, energy efficient home with an official ceremony event on Tuesday 28th July 2015 at The University of Trinidad and Tobago Point Lisas Campus at 3:30PM. Senator the...
Posted On 04 Aug 2015
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PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s message on the occasion of Emancipation Day 2015

My fellow citizens, today we proudly celebrate the 177th Anniversary of Emancipation in Trinidad and Tobago. This year also marks the commencement of the International Decade for People of African Descent, as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, and will be observed...
Posted On 01 Aug 2015
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National Enrichment Centre for Persons with Disabilities opens at Carlsen Field

Address by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC on the Occasion of the Opening of the National Enrichment Centre Carlsen Field on Tuesday July 21, 2015 Introduction It is my pleasure to join with you today in sharing this historic experience of commissioning the National...
Posted On 22 Jul 2015
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