
Kamla calls on Government to reject recommendations by GATE task force

I am deeply concerned by the recommendations presented to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago by a special task force set up by the Keith Rowley administration to review the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses (GATE) programme. The report suggests that students enrolled...
Posted On 18 Jul 2016
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The High Court today ruled against the Attorney General in the challenge to the constitutionality of the Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police (Selection Process) Order 2015 brought by retired police inspector Mr. Harridath Maharaj who was represented by the...
Posted On 14 Jul 2016
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UNC invokes Freedom of Information Act seeking full disclosure of CLICO Enquiry Report

The Chairman of the United National Congress has invoked the Freedom of Information Act in pursuit of full public disclosure of the Sir Anthony Colman Commission of Enquiry Report into the collapse of CL Financial Group of Companies. MP David Lee said it is of utmost importance...
Posted On 11 Jul 2016
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Kamla: With Eid-ul-Fitr comes renewed hope

Tomorrow, the Muslim community of Trinidad and Tobago and fellow citizens observe the holy celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr marking the end of a month of fasting, sacrifice and prayer. The Day begins with the performance of the Eid Namaaz (Prayer) which is held either in mosques or in...
Posted On 05 Jul 2016
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KAMLA: Rowley Gov’t and AG Al-Rawi completely deficient in handling the bail amendments

Now that the bail bill has died in the Parliament (it expires on August 15) it is important for us to understand the principles that led to the Opposition’s decision to vote against the bill on Friday. I expect the PNM to suggest that the UNC Opposition could not be serious about...
Posted On 02 Jul 2016
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Kamla: Imbert must explain NiQuan GTL deal

The Minister of Finance, Colm Imbert, must provide a full and detailed explanation of the sale of assets of the failed WGTL project to NiQuan Energy, including evidence of any due diligence procedure on the investment. The call comes from Leader of the Opposition Kamla...
Posted On 28 Jun 2016
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Opposition Leader Father’s Day Message: “Fathers as a beacon for progress”

The observance of Father’s Day in Trinidad and Tobago has brought its own modern traditions that we all enjoy together. The celebrations take many forms; religious, family gatherings; brief holidays, or quiet gatherings. The celebrations must not, however, overshadow the true...
Posted On 18 Jun 2016
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Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar has written to the Prime Minister inviting him to meet to discuss the Miscellaneous Provisions (Anti-Gang and Bail) Bill 2016 and the burgeoning crime crisis in Trinidad and Tobago. In a statement issued Thursday, the...
Posted On 16 Jun 2016
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We delivered in our first nine months while PNM continue to fiddle

In our first 120 days in office we established the Children’s Life Fund to help sick children; in its first 9 months the Rowley Administration took $2.5 Billion from the Heritage and Stabilisation Fund. On September 7th 2015 Dr. Keith Rowley called upon the people of Trinidad and...
Posted On 10 Jun 2016
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No answer from Finance Minister about use of HSF monies

Colm Imbert refuses to tell the nation what $2.5 Billion of withdrawn HSF monies will be used for -maybe we should ask the junior minister of everything. On Monday Night I took the Rowley Government to task for secretly withdrawing $2.5 Billion from the Heritage and Stabilisation...
Posted On 08 Jun 2016
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THE AG DOES IT AGAIN – demonstrates a lack of understanding of basic constitutional law principles

Yet again, the Honourable Attorney General has demonstrated that he does not understand basic constitutional law principles when he stated erroneously that the fact that the SSA Amendment Bill was assented to by His Excellency must mean “he [the President] thought it must...
Posted On 02 Jun 2016
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Indian Arrival Day Greetings from Leader of the Opposition

One hundred and seventy-one years later we have become the inheritors of a nation which our forefathers helped to build and, it is our duty is to continue to do our part as preservers of what has been achieved as well as creators and guardians of the future. In numerous ways our...
Posted On 29 May 2016
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