
Divali Greetings from Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar

This year, as we celebrate Divali in our homes and communities I ask that you commit yourself to the divine message embodied in this holy global festival of lights – the conquest of evil by good. While it is a time for celebration and joyous family gatherings, it is...
Posted On 28 Oct 2016
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Kamla: Why AG Faris Al-Rawi must resign or be fired

The Facts: Both the Prime Minister and the Army have admitted that these are the AG’s children Pictures of children handling high-powered military weapons have been made public. The Prime Minister has admitted in Parliament that they are the children of AG Faris Al-Rawi. The...
Posted On 16 Oct 2016
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KAMLA: The Opposition position vindicated by Court decision once again

The Opposition United National Congress welcomes the historic and landmark ruling by the High Court that the amendment to Section 5(5) of the Bail Act by virtue of the Bail (Amendment) Act 2015 is unconstitutional and illegal. Although this law was unanimously passed by the House...
Posted On 07 Oct 2016
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Kamla Pays Tribute to Teachers on World Teachers’ Day

The Leader of the Opposition, The Honourable Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC on Wednesday issued the following statement to mark World Teachers’ Day, which is being observed globally today – Wednesday, 5th October 2016: “On this special day dedicated to recognizing the role and...
Posted On 05 Oct 2016
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Kamla: Dr Rowley Must Come Clean on Confidentiality Breach

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley must tell the nation what he knows about a breach of confidentiality in communication between his office and that of the President of the Republic. Dr. Rowley must waste no time in advising a concerned populace about how details of classified...
Posted On 28 Sep 2016
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Leader of the Opposition the Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar Republic Day Message

Forty years ago Trinidad and Tobago took a giant step forward to consolidate its independence from Great Britain when it inaugurated its Republican Constitution and Sir Ellis Clarke changed official titles from being the last Governor General of our country to become our first...
Posted On 23 Sep 2016
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Kamla: Let’s pass good laws together

THE OPPOSITION wishes to reaffirm its commitment to passage of the Tax Information Exchange Bill, 2016 to meet the September 30, 2016 deadline. We are concerned about several provisions in the Bill which:   are not required under the Inter- Governmental Agreement with the US...
Posted On 23 Sep 2016
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Kamla: The Opposition will support FATCA legislation

Opposition Leader Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar today stressed that as a responsible Opposition and the country’s alternative Government is mindful of Trinidad and Tobago’s international obligations with respect to FACTA and the implications of non-passage of the Tax...
Posted On 10 Sep 2016
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Mayor Boodhan Celebrates 21 years of Educational Community Work

Mayor Gopaul Boodhan on Saturday last celebrated a landmark of 21 years in Educational Community Work with his Back to School Program. More than 250 children from the Montrose, Longdenville, Enterprise and surrounding areas benefitted from the program, as they received lunch kits...
Posted On 02 Sep 2016
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Message to the Nation on the 54th Anniversary of Independence from Opposition Leader Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Today, on the 54th anniversary of our independence from Great Britain I want to wish everyone the very best for Independence Day. Today is a day when we celebrate the triumph of our ancestors and offer thanks so that our nation would continue to enjoy the democracy and freedoms...
Posted On 30 Aug 2016
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Padarath: North Eastern Regional Multipurpose Sport Facility: Kamla’s brainchild

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath through a press release said that the opposition was very happy to see the opening of the North Eastern Regional Multipurpose Sports Facility on O’Joe Road, Sangre Grande. He recalled that this project in Sangre Grande was a brainchild of the...
Posted On 17 Aug 2016
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Kamla to Rowley: what’s the deal with Sandals?

Gail Alexander’s article “Clico Battle for No Man’s Land” in the Sunday Guardian (24 July 2016) raised many questions about the proposed Sandals development in Tobago, including the legality of using the piece of Tobago real estate, No Man’s Land, as the site for the tourism...
Posted On 31 Jul 2016
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