
Statement from The UNC Women’s Arm to addressing National issues

Several interwoven crises in health, economics, justice and education propel crime and chaos. How can we begin to claw back sanity and stability for the common good? Amid the calls for a collective approach that transcends difference, The Women’s Arm of the United National...
Posted On 12 Dec 2016
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Kamla Calls for Meeting with PM Rowley to Resolve Grande Deadlock

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar today called on Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley to meet with her to try to chart a new way forward to resolve the crisis created by the potential deadlock of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation. Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar in a media...
Posted On 07 Dec 2016
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MP Rodney Charles calls on Imbert to immediately bring FATCA legislation to Parliament

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is today calling on the Minister of Finance to immediately bring the FATCA legislation to the House, so that it may be sent to a Joint Select Committee (JSC), as soon as possible. “After creating nationwide panic with their botched handling of this...
Posted On 01 Dec 2016
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PNM False Declaration

I note with disbelief the false and deliberately misleading claims today by PNM Chairman Franklin Khan that his party has “declared victory” in the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation. Mr. Khan made these arrogant and incredible claims based on a nonsensical legal interpretation...
Posted On 29 Nov 2016
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Victory for the UNC

This morning the United National Congress successfully defended a challenge to the candidacy of Adrian Ali, the UNC candidate for Munroe Road/Caroni Savannah. The court determined that the ILP’s evidence was insufficient and terminated the case after a single hearing. The legal...
Posted On 27 Nov 2016
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Leader of the Opposition Message on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

The observance of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, presents the world with an opportunity to underscore the importance of ending violence against women and girls not only because it is a matter of justice and fundamental human rights, but because...
Posted On 25 Nov 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee – Government Hides as no Post Cabinet Media Conference for two weeks

The failure of the Government for the second week in succession to have a Post Cabinet Media Conference speaks of a new kind of arrogance of the Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley and his Administration towards the Public and the Media. Accountability is a cornerstone of a...
Posted On 24 Nov 2016
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Former Education Minister Knocks Government Cuts in School Feeding Programme

More and more crises are unfolding in the education sector while Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley continues to hold onto his woefully inept and bungling Minister of Education Anthony Garcia. At several schools, the School Nutrition Programme has ceased serving fruits and drinks to...
Posted On 23 Nov 2016
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Padarath: Several caterers used for 4,000 attendees

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath in a press release slammed PNM PRO Stuart Young for purposely misleading the population once more on the issue of the People’s Partnership catering bill for its Divali Celebration, 2014 at the Prime Minister’s residence. Padarath...
Posted On 21 Nov 2016
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UNC Chairman condemns Hinds “Drive a stake in the UNC’s heart” statement

The calls for PNM supporters to drive a stake at the heart of UNC supporters and kill them once and for all, uttered by Minister of Public Utilities Fitzgerald Hinds at a PNM Political Meeting are divisive , derogatory but further more demonstrates the absence of vision and plans...
Posted On 18 Nov 2016
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Kamla: TT Economy and citizens reeling from Government Incompetence

The newspaper headlines and news stories today announcing Trinidad and Tobago’s worst economic decline in our history ( -6.7 percent in the first half of 2016) is very disturbing for the welfare and well being of our citizens. It reinforces the bad news documented in the...
Posted On 12 Nov 2016
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KAMLA: Legislative Protection and Independent Oversight Needed to Leash Rogue SSA

The shock revelations about extortion and subterfuge at the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) confirm the validity and timeliness of proposals presented by the Opposition during the recent Parliamentary debate on amendments to the relevant law. Media reports have disclosed illicit...
Posted On 30 Oct 2016
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