
Kamla calls for urgent response and leadership from the Govt in the aftermath of Bret

Leader of the Opposition of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago & Political Leader of the United National Congress Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling on the Government to move urgently to mobilise national human and technical resources to expeditiously deal with the effects of...
Posted On 20 Jun 2017
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Labour Day Message from the Leader of the Opposition

On behalf of the Alternative Government and the Opposition, I extend warmest greetings and fraternal solidarity to the Labour movement and workers throughout the country who continue to perform an integral role in national development, as we commemorate Labour Day 2017. As we...
Posted On 18 Jun 2017
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Father’s Day 2017

Each year, we join the rest of the world in honouring, celebrating, and showing our appreciation for the role that fathers play in our families, and in our society. Like many of these commemorative occasions, one day is simply not enough to thank fathers for the enormous...
Posted On 18 Jun 2017
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Moonilal calls on Rowley to state if government provided any inducements to top TTDF Officials

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley must state whether his Government provided any inducements to the most senior officers of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force in the midst of an investigation into “Armygate.” “Armygate” pertains to the photographed evidence of the children of...
Posted On 13 Jun 2017
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Opposition Leader responds to the Court of Appeal Ruling clarifying the submission of the VRF

We welcome the Orders made by the Court of Appeal directing the Commissioner of Valuations to clarify that the demand by the Government for citizens to submit the Valuation Return Form (“VRF”) and supporting documents is purely voluntary. This means that citizens are not under...
Posted On 07 Jun 2017
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Opposition Leader’s Message on the occasion of Indian Arrival Day 2017

They braved the Kala Paani to travel thousands of miles from their homeland to our shores, many of them bringing their hopes, their dreams and their belief in a better future for themselves and their families. On the occasion of Indian Arrival Day 2017, we recognize the coming of...
Posted On 29 May 2017
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Opposition calls for investigation into possible attempts to interfere in the Judicial Process

The revelations in media reports have confirmed the Opposition’s suspicions of political interference by the government in the administration of justice. From the reports, it appears that the court’s process was tampered with by the Government in its hasty attempt to overturn the...
Posted On 25 May 2017
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UNC calls upon the government to respect the Court Order & allow due process to take its course

The United National Congress condemns the reckless and scandalous attempt by Finance Minister Colm Imbert to subvert and undermine the judicial process by inviting property owners to continue to submit their valuation forms. We condemn such deception and trickery by the...
Posted On 23 May 2017
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Kamla: injunction a victory for the people and testimony to the political strength of the UNC

We welcome the grant of this injunction by the Supreme Court of Justice (see attached). We promised you a strong and forceful legal challenge to the illegal and unconstitutional action of the Minister of Finance and now Acting Prime Minister Colm Imbert. The mad rush to impose...
Posted On 19 May 2017
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Tewarie: Preysal Government School being Neglected by Government

The Member of Parliament for Caroni Central, Dr Bhoe Tewarie, condemns in the strongest manner the insensitivity and lack of responsiveness of the Minister of Education to the formidable challenges of students, parents and teachers at the Preysal Government School. The sewer...
Posted On 17 May 2017
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Charles: Trinidad and Tobago becoming a failed state

Government’s mid-year review of the economy revealed two important lessons that under this PNM Trinidad and Tobago is slowly but surely becoming a failed state. Additionally, the PNM has no plan to change this trajectory. The mid-year review provided Finance Minister Colm Imbert...
Posted On 16 May 2017
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Moonilal condemns heartless demolition of homes

The cruel destruction of 15 family homes at Pine Avenue, Valencia is another arbitrary and callous act of the uncaring Rowley regime. Prime Minister Rowley and Housing Minister Randall Mitchell must tell the nation what legal processes were used in the heartless demolition of the...
Posted On 16 May 2017
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