
Tim: Deterioration in SEA results due to reversal of PP Policies

The deterioration in this year’s Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) results is the direct result of the reversal of a number of policy initiatives of the People’s Partnership Administration. The current Minister of Education and his Junior Minister have quashed a comprehensive...
Posted On 06 Jul 2017
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UNC to the Rowley PNM: Focus on bringing down crime, and not on text messages

For yet another time, it is clear that instead of dealing with the fundamental issues plaguing our country, the Rowley PNM has resorted to throwing out distractions to deflect from the recent revelations widely reported in the media that the Rowley PNM has been and is in bed with...
Posted On 05 Jul 2017
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Kamla: Congratulates SEA Students, Calls on Them to Continue Work Towards Achieving Their Goals

I extend congratulations and best wishes to the more than 18,000 children who wrote this year’s Secondary Entrance Assessment. I wish, in particular, to congratulate Lexi Balchan of the Point Fortin ASJA Primary School for her outstanding achievement in placing first in th...
Posted On 04 Jul 2017
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Kamla: Rowley continues to show that he is unfit to lead Trinidad and Tobago

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, has described the Prime Minister’s dismissal of Marlene McDonald as “yet another episode in the unraveling saga of the Rowley Government”. The Opposition Leader issued the following statement: This latest debacle in the Rowley...
Posted On 02 Jul 2017
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Kamla: Rowley-led Government has failed on crime; citizens living in fear

The Government has broken its promises to the people with regard to dealing with crime, and has failed to bring any measure of comfort to citizens, who continue to live in fear. This, according to Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP – Siparia, who today...
Posted On 01 Jul 2017
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Kamla: Rowley’s reshuffle a misdeal – he needs to throw in his cards and start over, or remove himself from the table

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, says the Rowley-led Government has failed the people of Trinidad and Tobago and has effectively collapsed; the reshuffle will not improve the quality of life of the people of our country nor ensure their safety and security...
Posted On 29 Jun 2017
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Kamla sets the record straight – the Opposition did not walk out of a debate on the floods

Some recent Newspaper reports on the Opposition’s walkout of the House of Representatives last Friday 23rd June 2017 warrant responses in order to correct some inaccuracies and to present the facts. The Sunday Express’ editorial of June 25, in particular, suggested that the...
Posted On 26 Jun 2017
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr

Assalam u Alaikum Eid Mubarak! I extend warm greetings to the Muslim community in Trinidad and Tobago and around the world on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr, the breaking of the fast and the end of the holy month of Ramadan. For Muslims, Eid ul-Fitr is a significant religious...
Posted On 26 Jun 2017
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Kamla: The UNC remains very concerned about the economic outlook for T&T

The United National Congress (UNC) today held a Strategic Planning Session to discuss the state of the country and national issues, and to develop an approach for improved service delivery and representation. The session was attended by Members of Parliament, Senators, and...
Posted On 24 Jun 2017
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Kamla takes Government to task over failure to provide relief to citizens affected by Tropical Storm Bret

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, on Friday 23rd June, 2017 moved a motion to adjourn the sitting of the House of Representatives on a definite matter of urgent public importance namely, “the failure of the government to provide adequate resources and...
Posted On 24 Jun 2017
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Kamla seek House leave to discuss government failure to adequately deal with the aftermath of Bret

The government has failed to address the flooding, destruction, devastation and damage that was inflicted on the population by Tropical Storm Bret. The areas that have suffered the catastrophic effects of Tropical Storm Bret are concentrated in the southern, central and eastern...
Posted On 23 Jun 2017
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MP for Cumuto/Manzanilla outrage over lack of support from Government 72 hours after Bret

The residents who reside in the constituency of Cumuto/Manzanilla are calling on the Government to respond to their urgent cry for assistance in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Bret.The constituency of Cumuto/Manzanilla was hit hard by Bret resulting in severe damage to many...
Posted On 22 Jun 2017
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