
Padarath Slams Culture Minister’s Response To Travel Advisories

Minister of Community Development, Culture and the Arts, Dr. Nyan Gadsby Dolly came under fire from Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath for her recent comments on the travel advisories warning foreign nationals about the perils of traveling to Trinidad and Tobago as it relates to the...
Posted On 30 Jan 2018
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Minister of Education Neglecting Duty at Carapichaima East Secondary School

The Minister of Education continues to neglect his duty to hundreds of students attending the Carapichaima East Secondary School as he has failed to address the persistent problem of a pigeon infestation at the school. This situation has become unbearable for the students and...
Posted On 30 Jan 2018
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The Government has signed a secret deal with Sandals International. That’s official! The revelation has come from Minister of Tourism Shamfa Cudjoe, in a written declaration that pays little attention to the tenets of proper English phrasing. Cudjoe said she that “at this stage”...
Posted On 28 Jan 2018
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MP Lee – The Energy Downstream Industry in Jeopardy under this PNM administration

The recent announcement by the Caribbean Nitrogen Company to shutdown it’s operations due to the non-supply of natural gas from NGC is a clear indication that our energy downstream industry is in Jeopardy under this PNM administration. This revelation which has put the...
Posted On 25 Jan 2018
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Indarsingh: closure of CNC a sign of weak and poor leadership by government

Today’s story in the Express captioned “410 jobs impacted…as Caribbean Nitrogen shuts down” has provoked an angry response from Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh, who is calling on Energy Minister Franklyn Khan and the Chairman of State-owned National Gas Company (NGC)...
Posted On 25 Jan 2018
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Why is this government so eager to destroy our environmental heritage?

The United National Congress is calling on Government to come clean on the threat posed by the extension to the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway from Cumuto to Sangre Grande to the protected Aripo Savannas. Member of Parliament for Oropouche West Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh stated, “The...
Posted On 24 Jan 2018
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Kamla to AG Al-Rawi: Stop the grandstanding

Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, today repeated her call for an urgent meeting with the Government to discuss ways in which the Government and Opposition can work together in the fight against crime and the criminal element. The Opposition Leader today...
Posted On 24 Jan 2018
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Karim: COSTAATT crippled by GATE policy

Former Tertiary Education Minister Fazal Karim expressed concern over the fall in student enrolment at COSTAATT. Responding to the front page article in the Guardian Newspaper on Monday 22, January 2018 headlined “COSTAATT contracts”, Karim indicated that the GATE changes...
Posted On 23 Jan 2018
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Karim: UTT corruption cause for job losses

Former Tertiary Education Minister Fazal Karim condemns the move by the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) to retrench 287 of its staff members by month’s end. Responding to the front page article in the Sunday Guardian headlined “More job cuts coming at UTT”, Karim...
Posted On 21 Jan 2018
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Speaking Notes of the Leader of the Opposition on the Election of the Sixth President

Madam Chair, I thank you for the opportunity to speak today. My esteemed colleagues, today is truly a historic one for our country. For the first time in its history as a Republic, Trinidad and Tobago has elected its first woman to serve as our nation’s President. Madam Chair,...
Posted On 19 Jan 2018
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Minister Imbert Still Hiding the Ferry Procurement Process

Minister of Finance attempt to allay the fears of the population regarding the procurement process of the inter island ferry at the post cabinet press conference failed to deliver any concrete details on the process. Minister Imbert continued to obfuscate the issue without...
Posted On 18 Jan 2018
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Moonilal: Rowley comment prejudicial, reckless and repulsive

The incredulous statements by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley about his Government’s refusal to honour debts to contractors once more unveil his incompetence, haughtiness and disturbing sense of injustice. Dr. Rowley criticised the $1 billion claim of a contractor while that...
Posted On 17 Jan 2018
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