
Hypocrisy of the Government Property Tax Amendments

Today, Friday 16th February 2018, the Rowley Administration will introduce by the Minister of Finance a suite of Bills for second reading in the Parliament including “An Act to amend the Valuation of Land Act, Chap. 58:03” And A Bill entitled, “An Act to amend the Property Tax...
Posted On 16 Feb 2018
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Has the EIA Process Been Compromised for House Padding in St Joseph?

The justification and rationale advanced by the Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat and Housing Minister Randall Mitchell for callous confiscating arable Grade 1 lands that belongs and is a part of the St. Augustine Nurseries is not part of the actual Nursery is an attempt to...
Posted On 14 Feb 2018
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Kamla Knocks Prime Minister’s silence and inaction as rampant crime and violence mar 2018 Carnival celebrations

Citizens continue to suffer as a result of Keith Rowley’s incompetence and inability to deal with crime With just a few hours left of the reign of the Merry Monarch, Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar is expressing deep concern over the levels of crime and violence...
Posted On 13 Feb 2018
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Government wants St. Augustine Nurseries for Housing

On the eve of the 2018 Carnival celebrations, on Fantastic Friday, on a day when the eyes of the media and the nation is on the reign of the Merry Monarch, the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is hosting consultations that will destroy valuable agriculture lands, deprive...
Posted On 09 Feb 2018
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MP Lee – Another blow to the Tourism industry and economy of Tobago

Pointe a Pierre Member of Parliament David Lee has condemned the Government and Prime Minister for failing to fulfill their promise of providing the Trinidad and Tobago sea-bridge with a passenger ferry before Carnival leading to the further demise of Tobago’s Economy....
Posted On 08 Feb 2018
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Oropouche West MP: fire Works Minister over latest ferry fiasco

Oropouche West Member of Parliament Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh is calling for the removal Rohan Sinanan as Minister of Works and Transport in light of his role in the collapse of the sea bridge. In a release issued on Thursday Mrs. Gayadeen- Gopeesingh questioned the...
Posted On 08 Feb 2018
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Kamla extends condolences on the passing of John Agitation

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, today extended condolences to the family of Ramdeen Ramjattan, who was known to the people of Trinidad and Tobago as John Agitation. I was saddened to learn of the passing of “Agi” as he was fondly called, who brought joy to so...
Posted On 07 Feb 2018
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Opposition Leader’s presentation on motion to establish Special Select Committee

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, on the Establishment of A Special Select Committee of the House of Representatives to look at the issue of appointments to the office of Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police The Government today accepted the...
Posted On 02 Feb 2018
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Caroni East MP Request Urgent Meeting with Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams

I write to you in my capacity as Member of Parliament for the constituency of Caroni East, regarding the frightening and worrying escalation of criminal activities in various communities in that area and several other districts in Central Trinidad. This increase in criminal...
Posted On 02 Feb 2018
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Charles: Rowley’s shameless crime record, he must accept responsibility and resign immediately

Given record breaking murder rates for January – the latest in a string of depressing crime statistics, Naparima MP Rodney Charles is calling on this PNM administration to admit finally that they have no plans to curb our crime epidemic. Accordingly they should accept in...
Posted On 01 Feb 2018
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Opposition Leader Response to PM Rowley Request for Meeting on Appointment of a Commissioner of Police

Re: Your request for meeting between the Government and Opposition with respect to the parliamentary appointment of a Commissioner of Police. I refer to the matter at caption and thank you for your email dated January 30th 2018 inviting the Opposition to meet with the Government...
Posted On 01 Feb 2018
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Why is the PNM spending millions on an underutilized pool?

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh is questioning the government’s decision to spend $7.6 million on renovations to the pool and deck of the Trinidad Hilton during a time when the country cannot afford to purchase medication, open schools...
Posted On 31 Jan 2018
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