The Minister of Planning Launches the Nation’s Largest Social Innovation Programme

The Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development, Bhoendradatt Tewarie on behalf of the Council for Competitiveness and Innovation (CCI) officially launched the nation’s largest Social Innovation Programme on Wednesday 14 January 2015 at Medulla Art Gallery in Woodbrook. The...
Posted On 15 Jan 2015
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AG Ramlogan Responds to Rowley on Death Penalty

Dr. Rowley has made several public statements on the issue of the death penalty that are misleading and mischievous. Clarification is necessary to avoid confusion as a result of his gross misrepresentations. 1. Rowley said “The death penalty is already the law and the PNM...
Posted On 14 Jan 2015
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Carapichaima Carnival 2015 Launched

CARAPICHAIMA Carnival 2015 was officially launched by the New Carapichaima Carnival Committee (NCCC) on Sunday with a grand display of Old Mas, Calypso and Soca. “Carapichaima is well known for its Monday Night Mas and this year’s is supposed to be the largest since inception”,...
Posted On 13 Jan 2015
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Ministry of the Attorney General Succeeds in yet Another Extradition

The Central Authority Unit in the Ministry of the Attorney General has succeeded in extraditing yet another criminal wanted by the US law enforcement agencies. RAVINDRANAUTH ROOPNARINE a fugitive on the run from U.S. authorities for financial and fraud related crimes, was...
Posted On 12 Jan 2015
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UNC Women’s Arm: Prime Minister Kamla best to manage the economy

UNC Women believes Prime Minister Kamla is the Best option for managing the economy The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress wishes to extend our congratulations to Prime Minister, the Hon Kamla Persad Bissessar for her prudent management of the economy of Trinidad...
Posted On 10 Jan 2015
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Muntslag to join Bouterse in the USA to Stand Trial

Edmund Muntslag to join son of Surinamese President, Dino Bouterse, in the USA to Stand Trial for Drug Trafficking EDMUND QUINCY MUNTSLAG was committed yesterday to be extradited from Trinidad and Tobago to the USA to stand trial along with Dino Delano Bouterse, the son of...
Posted On 09 Jan 2015
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Griffith slams Fitzgerald Hinds as “reckless”

As Minister of National Security, I must describe the statements made on national television this morning by former Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security Mr. Fitzgerald Hinds, as reckless. In an interview, Mr. Hinds suggested that the reason the crime statistics...
Posted On 07 Jan 2015
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Ministry of Education Expands After School Study Program

Minister of Education, Dr. Tim Gopeesingh met with School Supervisors and approximately 500 principals of primary and secondary schools at the National Energy Skills Centre in Couva on Tuesday, 6th Dec., 2015. The primary purpose of the meeting was to congratulate school leaders...
Posted On 06 Jan 2015
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UNC extends condolences on death of Martin Joseph

It is with extreme sadness that we, in the UNC, heard about the unfortunate drowning in Tobago of former Minister of National Security, Martin Joseph. It is with extreme sadness that we, in the UNC, heard about the unfortunate drowning in Tobago of former Minister of National...
Posted On 05 Jan 2015
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Ministry of National Security Escalates its Alert State

4th January 2015: In direct response to the spike in gang related homicides, the Ministry of National Security has escalated the Alert State of all law enforcement agencies with immediate effect. This Alert State is led by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) and the...
Posted On 04 Jan 2015
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